What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Okay... I too am guilty of using the term "Manatee" because I too thought it was in referance to overweight people. This is why it's best to specify what one's saying. If you meant floaters, that's fine because it refers to the discription you just posted, Guvnah. With that being said, Masters isn't about how fast you can swim or who is the ultimate best, it's about us sharing our fondness and love for swimming. I agree with Laineybug, I too can't stand a Masters Swimmer who thinks they're the greatest thing since sliced bread. It makes me sick to no end when I see a swimmer prancing about at the pool deck and saying they're the greatest. Again, I apologize for venting out a little too much and I apologize for sort of adding gasoline to the woodburning flames, swimmnjenn, are we still friends? If we have a pet peeve that's either WAY too personal or somewhat prejudice toward others, then keep it to yourself. Scuba Divers in the pool or Unintelligent Pool Staffers are okay. So let's shape up for all our sakes. Sonic
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    Former Member over 19 years ago
    These are things that I pretty much do to myself. But they totally peeve me off! When I do a flip turn and then end up pretty much on top of the lane line. It totally interferes with my stroke and annoys me to no end. If I am doing a drill like side glide balance and am sharing a lane, sometimes I will end up *right* on the lane line. I'll eventually push myself more towards the center of the line but it is really annoying when I first realize I am swimming into the line and killing what little momentum I have going.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    1. People who stand at the end of the lanes. I swim with a guy who only does about 6oo yds a night. Yet he is in the lane for about 1 hour. he stands more than anyone I've ever seeen. I drives me crazy. I've asked the guards to say somehting to him & they won't. I try not to splash him to myuch when I trun. 2. People with long hair that do not tie it back. I am really surprised that guards let this happen. when I guarded it was such a big issue. 3. The women who do water exercises who don't want to get splashed. They're in a pool! Some of these women I've know all my life. One lady was a sunday school teacher of mine when I WAS IN THE SECOND GRADE. SHE ONCE TOLD MY MOTHER THAT I WAS AN EVIL CHILD. EVERYTIME I SPASH HER, I am grateful that I prove her to have been a great predicter of the future. I'm in my forties & I still get the "young man please"line. they;'ve even gone to the Y's E.D. to complain.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by craiglll@yahoo.com 1. I try not to splash him to myuch when I trun. Maybe you shouldn't be so polite. :-)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by laineybug I can assure you they aren't. I know many a water aerobic queen, and will time my workout so that I use the class as a warm down. Many of the women and MEN in the class at our pool have arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, to name a few of their disabilities... they do good getting themselves there. One of my pet peeves is masters swimmers who look down on others. This comment was not made towards all aerobic swimmers. If you notice in an earlier thread the problems that I had with some who thought they owned the pool and pretty much out right told me that I did not belong there. The term "aerobic queens" was ment for those who thought they owned the pool and got upset when lap swimmers did laps. That is not looking down on others, but being a little teed off with their attitudes. I know many of women and men who I am great friends with who I have great respect for and I look foward to greeting them as I enter the pool. They don't seem to mind sharing the pool with others.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    I know what you mean-there's a lady at my pool that does some kind of modified breaststroke in the slow lane without putting her head in the water. She gets annoyed if someone in the lane next to her splashes-it gets her hair wet!! ( I guess a bathing cap would be too simple.) It's good that she comes and exercises, but the swimmers in the next lane have a right to "do their thing" too.
  • Originally posted by swimlong my swimming pet peeves: people who insist on swimming when they have colds I guess I get on your good side, haven't been in the water since last week because of this darn cold!!! Course I have been driving......
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    my swimming pet peeves: my pool (the only one around, besides the ocean, that doesn't entail a $40 ferry ride...) has only one length swimming time on the weekend, and that's at the same time as the soccer team I coach kicks off... my pool closes for the entire month of August, and all evenings in June and July... people who stand in the middle of the lane at the wall when you are 3rd or 4th to send off in an interval, and when you go to finish you can't touch the wall because the others are standing in the way. when I forget to hang up my bathing suit and have to put it on wet at the next workout when shampoo leaks all over my gym bag (happens a lot to me...) people who insist on swimming when they have colds people who take off just before you turn, even though they know you are way faster than they are lycra bathing suits only last a few weeks before becoming see through in the bum/chest
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by Fitswimmer04 I know what you mean-there's a lady at my pool that does some kind of modified breaststroke in the slow lane without putting her head in the water. She gets annoyed if someone in the lane next to her splashes-it gets her hair wet!! ( I guess a bathing cap would be too simple.) A bathing cap would flatten down her carefully coifed tresses giving her hat hair. :-)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Pitiful, just pitiful... Why hang out in the locker room and do nothing?? I love swimming! Oh, but for every enthused swimmer, there's that one swimmer who feels obligated to show up, but doesn't do any of the drills with any interest or self-drive. Has anyone here seen this? Y'know what I'm talking about... They come to the pool, a mess sometomes; literally DRAGGING themselves to the pool deck and not even slightly enthused with the day's workout. If it's one thing Sonic can't stand, it's a lazy swimmer. If you didn't feel like swimming today, then why did you show up?? "...because I have to??" No, it was because you feel obligated and don't want to upset the coach or anyone else. Swimming is all about attitude; if you come to the pool with a positive, enthused attitude, you're going to have one hell of a good swim. If you come uninterested, lacking enthusiasm, and the exact opposite of what I mentioned, you're going to ruin the enthused swimmer's experience. ...In otherwords, NOT GOOD.