What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    I've got a couple. The first is the people who do flip turns on the same side you are swimming up. Even being a couple of seconds behind thye are still on my side of the lap when I get ready for my turn. The second is when there are a lot of people at practice and they keep the interval the same, so a 200 is still on 3 minutes. Well by the time I'm coming back they are already starting the next 200. So slowly I get further and further back because there are 5-6 people in the lane. I also don't like it when they change how long the interval is going to be, especially when I haven't come in yet. This has happened enough in the last couple of months that I don't swim at night any more.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    YES! those people who do flip turns on your side of the lane!! There's one gal in particular who comes to mind...I love swimming with her except when she leads - she flips right into the midddle the lane and I have to duck under her so we don't crash! Grrrrr......
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    We have one lap lane to swim in. There are not a whole lot of lap swimmers so most of the time it is not a big deal. We don't circle swim we just stay on either side of the lane. It doesn't work if a third swimmer comes in. Then that swimmer has to either wait or work around any lessons or what ever is going on on the other side of the pool. Although I am not fast I am one of the fastest lap swimmers at our pool. A lot of times some of the swimmers who know me well will move over for me. I like the side where the lane line is. I hate it when I get stuck on the wall side. A year ago, during Thanksgiving vacation I went swimming early. The lap lane was taken up by some private lessons(which should have not happened) Another lap swimmer was swimming by the lane line, so I came in and swam next to him. Some regulars who just kind of float along were there and started to get upset that we were doing laps on their side of the pool( they had 2/3 of the pool). One of the ladies started to purposly get in my way. Let's just say she got cobblered when I was doing my backstroke. I was totally peeved at this point and a shouting match started. I was pretty much told that I didn't belong there. Sorry ladies I pay to use the pool, too. Well Thanksgiving is coming soon. Might want to go for another early swim.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Wow, I don't realize how good I have it I guess. My Y has at least 2 lanes open at all times - except from 3:00 to 6:00 pm when the swim teams (high school and then age groupers) take up the whole pool. In the morning, there are 4 lanes until 9:00. Most of the day there is 3 lanes. Saturdays and Sundays are 2 lanes from noon until about 8:00 during the winter when the outdoor pool is closed - and the other four lanes are "open" swim. The funny part is that I NEVER have to circle swim. About half the time, I split a lane with someon, the rest of the time I have a lane to myself. In reality, they could go with less lap lanes..... but please don't tell!:eek:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Hey everyone! Great pet peeves! I want to say something concerning the "overweight" ladies. I'm overweight myself. I am thankful that my weight doesn't stop me from my love of swimming. But there are some very heavy women that come and water walk in the morning.....and all I can say is that I am actually proud of them for stepping out of their comfort zone...into a swimsuit and at least walking. Plus...water walking is easier on the joints. It may seem they are not working hard (some might not be) but I give them credit for doing something! And since I am overweight myself...can we stop referring to overweight people as a manatee? I do agree that the ladies with the perfectly done hair bouncing in the water and talking about their husbands....that is annoying!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by swimmnjenn And since I am overweight myself...can we stop referring to overweight people as a manatee? I was wondering when that might become an issue. As long as people don't actually block my lane I don't care if they are skinny like me or have a 50" waist. I agree, the overweight people should be respected for stepping out on the pool deck, often times in a Speedo brief. I don't think I would ever be able to do that if I were in their shoes.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    yeah...I am not offended in any way by the comment...it doesn't affect my view of myself....I just know that our comments can become too negative about others. Ok....if someone is overweight they need to pick the correct suit for them.....a bikini or a speedo might not be the best option.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Naw... You're cool, swimmnjenn. It's the snobby aqua aerobes I can't stand... Especially those who just got out of the beauty parlor and had their hair (and nails) done. "...Young man, would you PLEASE stop splashing so much!?" "Yes, MOTHER!" *Old Aqua Aerobe is speechless and leaves the Sonic alone* Yes, I'm a young man in his twenties, but when someone addresses me that way, I feel like they're talking not to a man in his mid twenties, but a child no older than eight.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Naw... You're cool, swimmnjenn. It's the snobby aqua aerobes I can't stand... Especially those who just got out of the beauty parlor and had their hair (and nails) done. "...Young man, would you PLEASE stop splashing so much!?" "Yes, MOTHER!" *Old Aqua Aerobe is speechless and leaves the Sonic alone* Yes, I'm a young man in his twenties, but when someone addresses me that way, I feel like they're talking not to a man in his mid twenties, but a child no older than eight.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by Sonic Swimmer78 Oh, oh, here's a good one! What about Scuba Divers?? Anyone know what I'm talking about? I'm guilty of snorkeling laps on occasion. It's the easiest way to keep my legs in shape for scuba diving. Scuba fins work your muscles differently and there's nothing quite like snorkeling laps in big scuba fins to stay in shape for dive trips.