What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Great topic - my pet peeve is people who put their sweaty gym socks and shorts in the swimsuit water extractor.
  • Originally posted by aquageek Great topic - my pet peeve is people who put their sweaty gym socks and shorts in the swimsuit water extractor. I hate this as well; it is so gross how about unsynchronized clocks? We have one at each end of the pool and they are only off by about 5 seconds. I didn't notice for a while, thought maybe one way was uphill or something when the even 75s were :50 and the odds took a minute!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Mine has to do with the water temperature at my local YMCA where our master's team holds practices......TOOOOOO HOT!!!!...Usually in excess of 86 degrees! newmastersswimmer
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Being interrupted in the middle of a killer set!!!! You're on a roll... someone leans over and asks....is the pool open for swimming? AAAGGGHHHHH!!!!! No, MO - we're swimming here because it's closed. :mad: :D
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Being interrupted in the middle of a killer set!!!! You're on a roll... someone leans over and asks....is the pool open for swimming? AAAGGGHHHHH!!!!! No, MO - we're swimming here because it's closed. That's funny!!.....It reminds me of a famous quote by Einstein that goes something like this....."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits" newmastersswimmer p.s. I have to deal with some of the most rediculuously brainless comments you can imagine on almost a daily basis.....Not to complain about my job...b/c I love my job....The other day I passsed back a graded exam...and a student asked me..."do the check marks mean I got those questions correct"....I answered "yaeh and the "x-marks" with the point deductions right next to them means that you got those wrong"....and I get questions like...."How are we suppose to know where your office is anyway?" half way into the semester...and I answer "Well let's see, ...There's the syllabus which is available online (so you can always print up as many copies as you like), ...theres the big Marquise on the wall of the first floor in plain view when you walk in the front door to our building that has all of the teacher's office numbers on it, ...you can call the main office of our department or stop by and ask the secretary,.... you can ask me before or after class, ....or you can simply walk the halls in our tiney building checking each office door at random untill you eventually stumble across mine....that would take all of about 2 or 3 minutes since it's a small two story building"...ect...ect...
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    1) Kids swimming across the lap lanes without looking first and the lifeguards doing nothing about it. A real problem at the outdoor pool where I swim in the summer. 2) People who hock really large wads of *spit* into the gutter. Especially when they have colds. -LBJ
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    - people that hock large wads of spit in the pool (don't even go for the gutter) - people who think they should always have their own lane and act like you are infringing upon them for making them adhere to circle swimming when the pool is crowded - people who don't rinse off before getting in the pool - people who hang out in a lap lane to flounder and not swim when the pool I swim at has a large "open" area for non lap swimmers
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    HAHAHAHAH! I love all your responses! I absolutley think it is gross when people hock in the pool and out! And when people with out form make huge waves in the pool....makes me dizzy. Anyway....GREAT PET PEEVES!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    My biggest pet peeve is when the swimmer in the lane next to you swims right on the lane line and eventually you wind up smashing hands.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    When people swim in the "wrong" lane! If you are a slow swimmer, please use the slow lane! If you're a fast swimmer, don't get in the "medium" lane and then get annoyed with the "medium" paced swimmers. Isn't it better to circle with 3 people close to your own pace, rather than struggle with 2 that are either slower or faster than you?