What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by Sonic Swimmer78 Oh, oh, here's a good one! What about Scuba Divers?? Oh Sonic... our pool actually offers scuba diving lessons, and they are hanging out on the bottom of the pool as we swim laps on top. It isn't so bad when they are on the bottom in 12 feet of water, it is actually kinda interesting to watch them. But they 'harass' us by swimming directly below us, releasing a lot of bubbles on us, etc. Then they have the nerve to complain when they get kicked in the head (by accident of course). Hey, if you don't want to get hurt, 1) stay in the deep end... four feet of water isn't deep enough for two swimmers and since you have the equipment that allows you to breathe underwater, stay down there. 2)don't swim right under us.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    I know! I actually was referring to those Scuba Divers who aren't taking a class, though. You have to admit, I do a mean Jacques Gusteau, though! :LOL:
  • One thing that tends to drive me a little crazy are swimmers in your lane that cheat to stay up with the lead swimmer. I mean what is it about human nature to have the need to cheat. It was fun to try and cheat when you were a kid to get away with it, but being a masters, what is the point? The second biggest pet peeve about swimming is dealing with pool management that barely have the brain power to fog a mirror. What is it about recreation centers that hire people that know nothing about swimming, time management, business, and/or have no people skills.
  • One of my pet peeves is masters swimmers who look down on others. Absolutely. We ought to keep it to "cold temp" or "forgot my towel" etc., but not make unkind remarks about those "trying" to make a concerted effort to do "something" about their condition. Whatever that something or condition may be........... Kind of takes me to that other thread/poll about masters swimmers being "better" achievers (or not). Perhaps only better at pointing out negatives? Come on. If you can't say something positive, keep yer yap shut.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Geez! some folks need to lighten the hell up! I hate it when I get that "Young man, please" look too, and I'm only 26.... It happens more than I'd like it to, too. It's true, if you're in a pool you will get splashed. It's WATER, not battery acid. *Screams* "AAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!! MY EYES! MY EYES!!!!!!" It's really irksome when the Aqua Aerobes think they're the next best thing since sliced bread. I'm sorry, but they're not pool royalty, even though I do tend to call them "Pool Queens", it's much nicer than Guvnah's term, "Manatee".
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    I really do think those aqua arobic queens are jealous of those of us who can actually get somewhere while in the water.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by SWinkleblech I really do think those aqua arobic queens are jealous of those of us who can actually get somewhere while in the water. I can assure you they aren't. I know many a water aerobic queen, and will time my workout so that I use the class as a warm down. Many of the women and MEN in the class at our pool have arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, to name a few of their disabilities... they do good getting themselves there. One of my pet peeves is masters swimmers who look down on others.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Yeah.....When I started this thread I wanted it to be humorous. But it is human nature to start talking bad about others and let our pride get in the way. If we are talking about the pet peeve of people with long hair and they don't put it up....that is ok......but no name calling of anything of the sort or downsizing. Keep swimmn~~~~~swimmnjenn
  • My pet peeve are slackers. In my age groups years, there would be alot of people at the beginning of practice and by the end, half the team would be in the locker room for the last hour of a 2 hour practice hanging out.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by swimmnjenn And since I am overweight myself...can we stop referring to overweight people as a manatee? Well since I was the one who introduced the term here, I ought to address this. Check out my post. It isn't that they are overweight that makes them a manatee (and it's not just ladies, BTW). It's their profound lack of movement. I burn more calories in the shower than they do in the pool. Having said that, I appreciate your offense, Jenn, and will refrain from further using the term.