What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by swimr4life The one and only thing I don't like about swimming!....Dry, itchy skin in the winter due to the chlorine and one too many hot showers! I go through gallons of lotion in the winter.....
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by Seagurl51 foggy goggles Although, to borrow a phrase from Dave Barry, that would make a great name for a rock band. My pet peeve: Getting to the pool at 6 a.m. and finding it already too crowded, having to wait 30 min. to swim, only to have to leave 30 min. later. Grrr...
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Not a top-tier peeve, but a lesser peeve. Some people who push off the wall to start each length don't push off under water. They do so on the surface. This causes a huge initial wave. That wave sloshes over to ajacent lanes. In itself it's reall no big deal, but sometimes the timing is just right that they take off just as I am coming into the wall for my flip turn, and their wave makes a direct hit just as I am taking that last big breath before the turn... If they had left a second earlier, or a second later, then no problem. If I had been taking that breath to the opposite side, no problem. So there is really a very narrow window where everything comes together just right (or wrong, from my perspective) to be a problem. Don't they know that the surface-level push off is terribly inefficient anyway?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    One of my pet peeves: when the pool staff decides to take down and leave down the backstroke flags and nobody knows why. Don't they realize some people swim backstroke?:mad: :confused: grrrr
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Pools that seem never to have considered the fact that adult competitive swimmers need to practice their starts just like kids do.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    OOH I hate those orange Block covers!!! THEY MAKE ME SOOO MAD!!! I need to learn too darnit!
  • OK, unsure if someone already posted this or not (not enough computer time...which relates to my peeve): Not having enough time to swim. I'm way too busy with work/school/kids to get more than ONE day per week...plus, my wife and I both swim, so we decided to each get one day per week and hope to try and fit in another each...which hasn't happened yet. So if you swim more than once a week, and you love it as much as I do, then you're lucky, at least in my eyes!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by bckstrker One of my pet peeves: when the pool staff decides to take down and leave down the backstroke flags and nobody knows why. Don't they realize some people swim backstroke?:mad: :confused: grrrr Hint for when there are no backstroke flags. In most (MOST) pools, the lane lines are a different color the last few yards to the wall. The change in color generally occurs at the same distance from the wall that the backstroke flags would have been.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Having to swim in the lane next to "The Abyss" which is the covered deep end. It's downright creepy and I keep hearing the X Files theme in my head ...
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by mjtyson OK, unsure if someone already posted this or not (not enough computer time...which relates to my peeve): Not having enough time to swim. I'm way too busy with work/school/kids to get more than ONE day per week...plus, my wife and I both swim, so we decided to each get one day per week and hope to try and fit in another each...which hasn't happened yet. So if you swim more than once a week, and you love it as much as I do, then you're lucky, at least in my eyes! OK, I know all about that one. In the fall (actually August through Thanksgiving) my wife and I are very involved with my 11 year old son's football program. Between coaching and field prep (me) and running registration, banquet, pictures, etc (her) we average 15-20 hours per week. From August through Thanksgiving I swam about 5 times...... This week I am back on the wagon and it is killing me. No stamina, poor technique..... 1000 yards the last two days is killing me when I used to do about 3000 4 or 5 times a week with less pain afterwards..... not to mention the 8 pounds I put on.....