One hour postal swim

Ok, who is doing the one hour postal swim this year? Goals, strategies?
  • I went to Boise, ID this weekend to do the 1 hour swim. I had a good swim, going 4035 yards even though I did not rest at all prior to doing this. In addition to training hard all last week, I swam a 3300 yard workout on Saturday and then drove to Boise (a 4 hour drive from Elko), went cross country skiing and then out on the town for drinks and dancing with my coach. Woke up Sunday morning thinking I really didn't want to do it, but picked up my coach and went to the YMCA, jumped in and went for it. My best distance for this is 4050 yards when I swam it 2 years ago, so I was quite pleased with this year's effort. This is the 7th time I've done it since I began swimming in 2000, and I've been over 4000 yards all except twice when I was just under that mark.
  • Glub. Done and done. 5.707% more yardage than last year, owing to better management of rest and rehydration intervals. The stroking part of it could only have been worse than last year. It's a good setup for doing the remaining postals, spread out over the year.
  • Glub. Done and done. 5.707% more yardage than last year, owing to better management of rest and rehydration intervals. The stroking part of it could only have been worse than last year. It's a good setup for doing the remaining postals, spread out over the year. Well done!! So, what was your strategy? I'm always trying to figure out the best rest/rehydration/swim balance.
  • Well done!! So, what was your strategy? I'm always trying to figure out the best rest/rehydration/swim balance. Breaks less frequent and of shorter duration. Energy gel before I splash. Aspirin/Advil before I think I need it. Every 300 of free I enjoyed a length of back and a length of BR. People find different ways to make the event tolerable.
  • Breaks less frequent and of shorter duration. Energy gel before I splash. Aspirin/Advil before I think I need it. Every 300 of free I enjoyed a length of back and a length of BR. People find different ways to make the event tolerable. Thanks. I was doing short breaks -- just enough time to take a few quick sips -- every 500 or 600 or so. But I wondered afterward if I would have done better with longer breaks that might have enabled me to swim faster in between breaks. As you say, part of it is just figuring out how to make the event tolerable!
  • I'm always trying to figure out the best rest/rehydration/swim balance. Personally I think there's no way you can improve on swimming it straight without breaks. You just need to know how to pace it so you can swim consistently for an hour. The boredom element is a whole 'nother story...
  • Anyone done this for 2014 yet? Share your goals, struggles, and accomplishments! Yep, just did mine last Sunday! Was coming off of a pretty severe cold the previous week, so I didn't know what to expect really. Was so excited to finally crack 5000 yards! I wanted it so badly last year. I tried twice, going 4950 and 4975, but just couldn't crack that 5k mark. I finally got good enough at my flip turns to keep them closed the entire swim this year and crushed the 5k mark with 5085 yards! I was so excited!
  • Did my first one this year and made 4785. Was really happy with that and probably could have made more with a better suit and lane (I got the slanted lane between the deep and shallow end w/ a jet on the far side). My strategy was to start easy and build @ 2000 and 4000 yards. While I felt like the effort was increasing, I pretty much did 1:15 - 1:16 every 100. I had a rabbit to chase down in the lane next to me which helped keep me busy and focused. It really bothered me to not know how fast I was going. I knew the yardage but had no idea on the pace.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    I did it for the first time this year. I've only been swimming about 1.5 years (since quitting age group thing 30 years ago) and my typicla hour workout is around 2200. So I was happy with my 3000. My 500 splits were 9:50, 10:12, 10:10, 9:57, 9:56, 9:55 rounded
  • I did it last sunday at the IU Natatorium. I just got in a comfy rhythm and swam non-stop the whole hour for a 3,750 effort. I had vomit in my throat from about 10 minutes till around the 30 minute mark and I'm not sure why. After 30 minutes I settled in and enjoyed my time of aquatic solitude.