What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    oh there is so much creepiness! A couple of years ago, while I was getting the chlorine off, I heard what sounded like a moan coming from the shower stall next to me. Well, I thought she got shampoo in her eye. Then another sound from the same stall, a different voice. I got outta there so fast I left a little shampoo in my hair. Luckily that hasn't happenned again.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by Kae1 I'm kinda of worried about what name other swimmers at the pool have for me, but I know I have names for them... there's "Stretch-cord-string-bikini-woman", the "Southern Belle backstroker", "Red speedo man", "jealous of her butterfly", and a number of "old dudes walking". Apparently, though, I am quite lucky to NOT have a creepy pool guy (yet- touch wood). Eww. Kae Kae, there's a red Speedo man I've seen at our pool. He's showed up a couple of times during our Masters team practices in his red Speedo ... but he's added another dimension. He seems to be going through mid-life crisis, so he's pierced both of his nipples. God ... we were in pain just thinking about it. Takes all kinds, I 'spose. Sad to say ... he wasn't a bad swimmer either. Hey Guvnah, why not toss "Creepy Guy" into a very cold shower and hold him there? He might ge the message.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    HEY! Is there anything wrong with a red speedo? I occasionally wear one. Not my favorite, always on the bottom of the bag, but when my other two suits are home, it suffices. I hope I am not horrifying those at my favorite pool!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Oh my God! Am I glad I'm mot alone. Well, after I swim (this is in the University, mind you) I go to the showers to rinse off, but there is this middle-aged man who takes a LONG time in the showers. (Much like Guvnah's "Shower Boy") Only he doesn't stare at the other guys, he just showers slowly, but here's where it gets disgusting. Every time I'm in there or drying off outside of the shower room, you can HEAR (With heavy reverberations) him hocking loogies! Ewwww!!!! ...and hearing it heavily reverberated doesn't matters better. I'm glad I never go in the locker room or in the showers barefoot now. I make a point to pack my flip-flops before anything else to prevent getting athlete's foot or having the displeasure of stepping on a floor with loogies! :lol: EWWWW!!!! :p :p
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Ummm.... go tell a lifeguard? There's basic health and safety involved there....Or perhaps you can go to him and ask him if you can go an spit and snot in his shower at home (you never know, though, he may say, 'yes.') :p Once, when I came out of practice on a Saturday, a women was letting her little boy pee in the shower... Boy, I got mad (they're open showers)! When I politely informed her that the shower was not a toliet (I was polite, as I didn't want a confrontation), she was really snotty back. I thought the he** with it and left. And this was at one of the country's best facilities. People like that really annoy me. *sigh* Off my soapbox now and on to more pleasant subjects...
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Scooter ... no harm was meant towards you ... it's the the red Speedo man's combination of body armor and suit that seems a tad ... strange. Sonic ... seen the same thing regarding about long shower guy at my pool. You'd think they were imitating Leonardo di Caprio on the deck of the Titanic. I started wearing flip flops in the showers anywhere when I picked up a raging case of athlete's foot at a swim meet three years ago. Maybe you ought to consider helping the Super Slow Swimmer. Laineybuy ... best advice on your predicament: "Don't ask, don't tell." :D DAP: We have a "floating cadaver" at our pool. She is a bit ample in girth and uses a snorkel, mask and huge flippers to do her thing. We call her "The Barge" because we thought about playing ring toss on her snorkel. She doesn't like sharing lanes and haven't seen her in a while. Perhaps she got tired of us sharing her lane, passing her doing an IM, fly or whatever. There's a much older guy than I am whom I see every Saturday morning when I am at the pool to teach kids' lessons. He literally stands in the steam room and shadow boxes buck nekked. Once he's pretty steamed up good and red, he continues outside of the steam room, adjacent to the showers. We're waiting for him to have a coronary or stroke. I wonder though, and I am being complimentary to the rest of my good friends out there. We all pretty well seem to know what we're doing in the pool. I wonder if, given all the stuff we've seen in the pool, we're wrong and they're right. Scary thought but only a nightmare.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by Sparky Has anyone ever been tempted to ask a person like the one in CCSR79's pool, "What are you doing? Did you put any thought into this routine of yours?" Of course I've been tempted to ask, as much as I try I can't figure out what's the point of what he's doing! I've also been tempted to correct people when they're swimming the wrong way. There's a guy at my pool who swims fly for some laps and his arms only leave the water after his head has already gone back in, I always feel like telling him "Uh, do you know that they're supposed to come out of the water together?"
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by CCSR79 I've also been tempted to correct people when they're swimming the wrong way. Speaking as a novice swimmer, I would be delighted to take any and all tips/advice/corrections from the "power swimmers" at my pool. You have no idea how intimidating it is for a beginner to come in and practice next to someone who's doing a hard-core workout with expert technique. :)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by IndyGal Speaking as a novice swimmer, I would be delighted to take any and all tips/advice/corrections from the "power swimmers" at my pool. You have no idea how intimidating it is for a beginner to come in and practice next to someone who's doing a hard-core workout with expert technique. :) I know, but I can imagine how many people would take offense from that, a lot of people don't like being criticized, and I'm sure a lot of them (even the funny fly guy) think they're swimming just fine, so I rather stay quiet about it...
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by CCSR79 I've also been tempted to correct people when they're swimming the wrong way. There's a guy at my pool who swims fly for some laps and his arms only leave the water after his head has already gone back in, I always feel like telling him "Uh, do you know that they're supposed to come out of the water together?" If you watch Michael Phelps, his face is reentering the water about the time that his hands are leaving it. The head should definately not be fully submerged again by the time the hands come out but neither should the head be coming out of the water at the same time as the hands. Breathing too late is probably the single most common mistake in swimming butterfly. It is really too bad that you see so many photos of butterfliers showing their head high looking forward as their arms are out perpendicular to their bodies, no wonder so many people are mixed up about the correct timing.