What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by LindsayNB If you watch Michael Phelps, his face is reentering the water about the time that his hands are leaving it. The head should definately not be fully submerged again by the time the hands come out but neither should the head be coming out of the water at the same time as the hands. Breathing too late is probably the single most common mistake in swimming butterfly. It is really too bad that you see so many photos of butterfliers showing their head high looking forward as their arms are out perpendicular to their bodies, no wonder so many people are mixed up about the correct timing. This guy's head is definitely fully submerged when his arms come out, it really is a funny thing to watch (make those intervals much more interesting that's for sure!)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by Mark in MD ... We call her "The Barge" ... Reminds me of "The Bumper Boats". There are these three sisters, perhaps ages 12, 14, 16. Somewhat portly. They all get into one lane, and have yet to figure out the concept of "circle swim". So they bump into each other a lot. Kind of funny to watch.
  • There is a guy that comes in the pool, begins to swim, and then sneezes...three times. Anyone got a name for him?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by IndyGal Speaking as a novice swimmer, I would be delighted to take any and all tips/advice/corrections from the "power swimmers" at my pool. You have no idea how intimidating it is for a beginner to come in and practice next to someone who's doing a hard-core workout with expert technique. :) Y'know, I don't know of any swimmer that wouldn't be more than happy to give you some pointers (provided you didn't interrupt them in the middle of something or anything), if you start with "wow, your technique is really good, can you give me any tips?" Again, if you catch them at the beginning or end of their workout, they'd probably be more than willing (I know I would be flattered and more than happy to help, even if it meant setting up another time to meet and go over technique). Kae
  • I have been swimming on my lunch, and there is a fellow there I think of as Big Paddle Dude. He uses these huge paddles, bigger than I have ever seen. Then he puts on fins, and swims a wierd backstroke, with the fins almost touching the bottom, and his arms not fully making it up past his shoulders, so he is just kind of skimming the paddles sideways on top of the water. Everytime I see him, I think, ditch the equiptment and work on doing the stroke right..
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    This naming thing is awesome. I think the next time I'm at my Y I will work on names for everyone. I just hope none of them are reading this thread and planning on naming me!:eek: :o :rolleyes:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by Kae1 Y'know, I don't know of any swimmer that wouldn't be more than happy to give you some pointers (provided you didn't interrupt them in the middle of something or anything), if you start with "wow, your technique is really good, can you give me any tips?" Again, if you catch them at the beginning or end of their workout, they'd probably be more than willing (I know I would be flattered and more than happy to help, even if it meant setting up another time to meet and go over technique). Kae If someone said "wow, your technique is really good, can you give me any tips?" to me, they would have to give me CPR - I would die of shock!:p :rolleyes:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    two takes... 1st - the guy/gal thrashing in the pool is probably getting a BETTER workout than I am. I am trying to be efficient and consistent with my stroke to achieve a fast time (especially when trying to go fast). Mr/Ms thrasher is getting their heart rate up there faster and longer. It may depend on what you want out of the "workout"... depends on your goal...but it sure hurts to watch... 2nd. Just my take...I use the chance to sell Masters - by giving some advice to those that look like they are trying. I ask them first if they would like a couple of comments (very important to ask 1st - IMHO). If they say yes, I find something nice to say and then give them some basic tips - THEN I try mention the pool JUST HAPPENS to have a Masters group...and that there is a coach on deck that give advice - we have gotten a few people over the years (at a University pool - can't get them forever). I admit to selecting ones that can swim at least a 500 (fast or slow) and don't need a total stroke overhaul (guilty of some sort of bias here). IMHO we - as the 'experienced' swimmers are the sales people for Masters - we need to constantly sell sell sell.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    There is this guy at my pool who seems to ALWAYS choose my lane and he is the most weird swimmer ever (now I started changing lanes every time he joins me, it's a pain!). He splashes so much water around that if you're next to him you will swallow loads of it, and have that feeling you're in the middle of the ocean with all the waves. But the weirdest part which really breaks my concentration is the way he swims. Maybe someone here can enlighten me on why! He does this on every lap: he starts by pushing off the wall all the way to the bottom of the pool (about 4 feet) then touches the floor, gets up, walk about 5 steps, and starts swimming freestyle like mad (hence the waves). When he gets to the end he gets up, does an open turn and do the above all over again. Why would someone do that? On every lap! I can't help but pay attention to it trying to figure out "what the hell..."
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by CCSR79 There is this guy at my pool who seems to ALWAYS choose my lane and he is the most weird swimmer ever (now I started changing lanes every time he joins me, it's a pain!). He splashes so much water around that if you're next to him you will swallow loads of it, and have that feeling you're in the middle of the ocean with all the waves. But the weirdest part which really breaks my concentration is the way he swims. Maybe someone here can enlighten me on why! He does this on every lap: he starts by pushing off the wall all the way to the bottom of the pool (about 4 feet) then touches the floor, gets up, walk about 5 steps, and starts swimming freestyle like mad (hence the waves). When he gets to the end he gets up, does an open turn and do the above all over again. Why would someone do that? On every lap! I can't help but pay attention to it trying to figure out "what the hell..." Perhaps your guy has OCD and he *has* to do that for each lap?! We have a guy who splashes so much I've dubbed him "Sheepdog in a Kiddie Pool" b/c he's all over the place, plus he makes waves like you wouldn't believe; it's just a mess when he's there. I don't know if he does it for attention, b/c he lacks skill, or just to get his own lane b/c no one - and I mean no one -will share w/him!