Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • What's interesting is that a 'nutritional supplement' one year may very well labeled a banned substance the following. WTF Agreed...but for the ladies only. Fort, I've seen your metamorphosis photos from mommy to top ten swimmer. Very nice transformation...but what exactly is in that mono-fin? ...Hmmmmm? What can you tell from a face shot?! :mooning: A MF is not a chemical enhancer. It's a glute and quad enhancer. Oh, toe cutter too.
  • Although I've been whining so much about my shoulders lately, my ART doc gave me some "fibroplex plus" for "support for muscle tenderness and discomfort." It's got loads of amino acids. He did say my shoulders and muscles might be freaking out from the rapid increase in speedwork the last two weeks ... sometimes not so good to be an FAF. Now, I have to figure out what the Geek potion is and what flax seed oil does.
  • You had one posted showing your face and arms...pre-guns...not just face. Better hide the evidence. I used to have good legs, now I have good guns ...
  • Now, I have to figure out what the Geek potion is and what flax seed oil does. Flax seed oil is just a natural source of Omega 3 fatty acids, nothing crazy or strange. It has about 50% more omega 3s than fish oil. Unfortunately, Barry Bonds gave it a bad name when he started rubbing it on his junk, claiming it is some sort of non steroid or the like. Really, it's just oil from a plant with some good properties, and it doesn't stink or repeat like fish oil, which I also take. FAF for Stud - flailing and failing
  • Why not just take Omega 3 then? I think Omega 3s are found in the oil (fish and flax seed). I suppose there is some way to extract them only. There are other beneficial things in flax seed as well. It's the total oil package.
  • Eating more low mercury fish would likely solve this particular problem without having to pop pills. Living in the South we get nothing low. We have high fat, high heat, high humidity, high obesity, high kudzu. The only thing we seem to excel in lowness in is low graduation rates and achievement test scores.
  • Might be an absorption issue. It's always best to get these things from natural foods as opposed to supplements. Eating more low mercury fish would likely solve this particular problem without having to pop pills. I'm not really a big supplement taker. My eye doc did tell me that flax seed oil was good for dry eye too, just anecdotally. Fortunately, no cholesterol problems yet... Now, if there were a shoulder pill, I would definitely pop that.
  • So Geek, which one is it? Acronym - Meaning SILF Society of Indian Law Firms SILF Shanghai International Library Forum SILF Sundaram India Leadership Fund SILF Shanghai International Literary Festival SILF South Indian Liberal Federation SILF Strategic Industries Loan Fund SILF Statewide Independent Living Fund SILF Soft Insensitive Loss Function ??? SILF South Indian Labour Fund SILF Summer Intensive Language Fellowships SILF Society of India Law Firms SILF South Indian Labor Fund
  • You have given me way too much credit. Think pop culture.