Dara Torres-Amazing

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Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • $500 per month sounds like some an extreme "nutritional supplementation" plan...even if it were 'legal'. A can of Muscle Milk (whey protein) is only a fraction of that amount. David Boston spends $200,000 a year on nutrition and trainers. This is not part of what is provided for by the Sand Diego Chargers, but out of his own pocket. There are alot of legal supplements that can really boost your workout intensity and shorten your recovery. That coupled with the right training regime and Dara's natural swimming ability and beautiful technique and presto. Gail Devers won the millrose games 60m hurdles this year at 40 years old with baby in tow. We work hard. Let's get behind our extreme masters performers until they let us down.
  • We work hard. Let's get behind our extreme masters performers until they let us down. I generally agree with this sentiment. I don't dispute extreme masters work very hard either. However, since when did spending $200,000 necessarily equate to hard work?! Here's another article on the topic, findarticles.com/.../pg_5
  • Thinking someone is using drugs is not the same thing as saying they definitely are; it is saying it strikes one as overwhelmingly likely. Some folks need to work on reading comprehension.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Try the on-line urban dictionary.
  • Read the previous pages and you'll see that they definitely have accused her of cheating!
  • Read the previous pages and you'll see that they definitely have accused her of cheating! I saw a lot of "hard" questioning of her performance....I may be wrong however I don't recall anyone coming out and say "she's using drugs".....and I for sure don't recall seeing anyone say that those of you who have defended her say should be hung! But I could be wrong.....
  • I can't believe anyone thinks she *isn't* on drugs to be honest. And yet I find the optimism charming. Page one!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I wouldn't single out Dara right now. There are quite a number of extraordinary performers out there in swimming right now; it is a sad fact, based on the trends in other sports, that there may well be some use of performance enhancing drugs out there (esp. ones not yet tested for, as well, chemists are now adept at changing the 'signatures' of may drugs, so they elude positive results). Let's just enjoy the performances and if later, we shake our heads in rueful chagrin, at least we had that enjoyment of the moment.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    *Ahem* ...back to the thread... $500 per month sounds like an extreme "nutritional supplementation" plan...even if it were 'legal'. A can of Muscle Milk (whey protein) is only a fraction of that amount. "little blue pills" were performance enhancing. At least the two swimming stars from Stanford know what they are doing and openly express their intentions to do so! One could make a case for one being worse that the other Recently, the Stanford (united States) swimmers, Jenny Thompson and Dara Torres, openly revealed their planned consumption of potent cocktails of chemicals with the intention of legally enhancing their performances. An open industry of chemical ("legal") sporting performance enhancement has mushroomed across the Internet. The Stanford swimmers pay $500 per month for their "legal" chemical fixes from "sport nutritionists.">
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    No one here has come out and accused Dara of cheating Are you sure about that?