Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I stop staggering after two or thee double shot lates. I have seen some of those stories on the BBC especially the Great White Shark story that they put on. Then they found out it was a hoax. Shark story news.bbc.co.uk/.../6920345.stm Well the shark was not a hoax...it just wasn't a great white. The idiot from Australia who said it was a great white was probably trying to get exposure and thinking of his chance to be the next Steve Irwin. The guy who snapped a still photograph could have been taken anywhere. There definitely are sharks off of the Cornish coast, just not great whites.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Back to Dara. First of all she isn't like that Irish girl that never made the top 25 in the world and suddenly won. Dara was born fast, how old was she in her first Olympics? She has never been juiced and I am sure never will. People who start steroid stories should be hung. She has never totally stopped training. She did not try for the 2004 Olympics, I talked to her for a while during the 2004 trails in Long Beach with her trainer. I suggested she could still beat the girls at trials, she smiled like she knew something. Her secret is the stretching and strength program her trainer has her on. I asked him to review his book when he finished it, now I want to see that book more than ever. She is also still beautiful, just lites up a room. Dara took off 6-7 years between the last two Olympics. Streching and so called strength programs are no substitute for practicing swimming fast in the pool. The Evil Smith and I would love to see you take 6-7 years off, try his book and approach similar results. Dude, I got a C-note that says you don't come close to the same results...... :-) John Smith
  • She has never been juiced and I am sure never will. People who start steroid stories should be hung. Wayne, with all due respect this statement is either: A) An attempt at humor B) Completely irresponsible C) Out of line with what any rational coach/athlete should be saying given the state of athletcis in the world today. No one here has come out and accused Dara of cheating....however given the extraordinary times she has achieved given much of what has been cited....requires us to question what/how has happened. If someone had not sent in an anonymous tip Balco would not have been uncovered...cheating is an incredible science today and FINA/USS/WADA will always be 3 steps behind. If you truly have inside, 100% confirmation that nothing "funny" has taken place with Dara...or any other athlete...I ask you to put up $100,000 just ha Dara has with her blood...and see what comes out of all this in 10 years. If on the other hand you you are suggesting that anyone questioning incredible athletic feats should be "hung" based on nothing more than your chat with her or them....then I would suggest maybe rethinking your suggestion. I do however think Evil-Goodsmith should be tested for extreme levels of caffeine at all future USMS meets....we all know he's "cheating"...hence his latest nickname; Hammie! :bouncing:
  • Wayne, with all due respect this statement is either: A) An attempt at humor B) Completely irresponsible C) Out of line with what any rational coach/athlete should be saying given the state of athletcis in the world today. No one here has come out and accused Dara of cheating....however given the extraordinary times she has achieved given much of what has been cited....requires us to question what/how has happened. If someone had not sent in an anonymous tip Balco would not have been uncovered...cheating is an incredible science today and FINA/USS/WADA will always be 3 steps behind. If you truly have inside, 100% confirmation that nothing "funny" has taken place with Dara...or any other athlete...I ask you to put up $100,000 just ha Dara has with her blood...and see what comes out of all this in 10 years. If on the other hand you you are suggesting that anyone questioning incredible athletic feats should be "hung" based on nothing more than your chat with her or them....then I would suggest maybe rethinking your suggestion. I do however think Evil-Goodsmith should be tested for extreme levels of caffeine at all future USMS meets....we all know he's "cheating"...hence his latest nickname; Hammie! :bouncing: And I thought the attempted hangings were due to: A) ripped FS Pro; B) groin pull from evilstroke; or C) just another "cranky" overcaffeinated masters swimmer.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    John- what a piker...a c-note: with inflation, you gotta be talkin' a Grr at least...
  • A good result must means someone is doping???? George & Tracy....come on guys....were not talking about a "good" result here.....were talking about something that has never been achieved in sport before....something absolutley earth shattering in the history of swimming....just like Bonds home runs, just like McGuires, just like almost every 100m record in track, just like a comebaack from the dead in the Tour de France by Landis.....all deserve scrutiny.....don't try and make this out to be some kind of "witch hunt" after a weekend warrior.
  • There was a similar article posted many pages ago. I think I mentioned it when referring to $500 pill habits ... Torres could be doing something similar again, minus the now banned substances. But legal enhancement is different than banned enhancement. (Not saying I applaud the pill habit, just saying she would technically be within the rules.) Quicksilver: We'll have you measuring FAF biceps and triceps in Austin next year!
  • Fast Athletic Flirtatious ... I can't spell ... must be all those pills I just took. Beth, Fort, and I are FAF sisters. It came from the Superhero Quiz posted on here ages ago. We were all The Flash.
  • I thought it was fast and furious.