How long does it take to swim 1 mile of breastroke?

Former Member
Former Member
I used to be a competitive swimmer. Now I am much older, I start swimming again just for fitness and I would like to set a goal for myself. My goal is to swim 1 mile of breastroke (breastroke is my specialty) daily; it takes me 35 minutes to swim 1 mile. My question is what is the average time to swimm 1 mile of breastroke? Thanks
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    As moderator...can you get this to happen without him being able to change it? :applaud: The lesson here is to be nice to your moderators... Otherwise Kitty will go bad...
  • The lesson here is to be nice to your moderators... Otherwise Kitty will go bad... :lmao: Love it!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    The lesson here is to be nice to your moderators... Otherwise Kitty will go bad... No, the lesson is that breaststroke is so different from normal swimming that it should be segregated as a separate sport, just like Rhythmic Gymnastics.
  • Where did I say in this thread that I can't swim it? Whether I can or cannot is irrelevant regarding the vile nature of that blundering imbecilic stroke. OK,we get it,you don't like breaststroke.To avoid us ,just don't go on threads with "breaststroke" in the title.I didn't say anything bad about your 400 free thread,nor would I(some of my best friends are distance swimmers,but then one swam the Catalina Channel breaststroke.). All swimmers have more in common with each other than with the general populace,even us duck walking,frog legged "mutants."
  • OK,we get it,you don't like breaststroke.To avoid us ,just don't go on threads with "breaststroke" in the title.I didn't say anything bad about your 400 free thread,nor would I(some of my best friends are distance swimmers,but then one swam the Catalina Channel breaststroke.). All swimmers have more in common with each other than with the general populace,even us duck walking,frog legged "mutants." Exactly. It's highly unlikely that someone who can swim the breaststroke well would feel the obsessive need to constantly put the stroke down. We get it. You (Fresnoid) hate breaststroke (most likely because you don't do it very well). Now, go do something about that or whine about it somewhere else.
  • Geez guys. The breaststrokers I used to know had the fortitude to banter back. Maybe do a little research in the USMS competition results. Then you could seriously abuse me. The thing you don't seem to understand, Fresnoid, is that I have no need to put you (or your chosen events) down in order to feel ok about myself. I'm not particularly wonderful at backstroke or butterfly but I admire those who do those strokes well. When you fire off numerous posts about thinking breaststroke/breaststrokers are "mutants," "blundering," and "imbecilic," it is not a matter of our lack of fortitude, but of your lack of tact and impulse control.
  • All swimmers have more in common with each other than with the general populace,even us duck walking,frog legged "mutants." And, just for you, my duck walking, frog legged, mutant fellow frog, I found just the motif for your next bathroom remodel! This actually exists in one of the model homes in our community.:afraid: (Photographs compliments of Debaru, a fellow frog Forumite who is visiting us from Arizona and joined me for the Athens meet, yesterday.)
  • I'm sorry your feelings are hurt by good natured heckling. The adjectives used are intentionally extreme so it would be clearly not serious. Whatever makes you feel good. My feelings aren't "hurt" but I do get annoyed at people who feel the need to relentlessly "heckle" in order to make themselves feel superior. You should know that intent is, for the most part, indiscernible over the internet. Whether your statements were "good natured" or "clearly not serious" is anything but obvious. Like I said, whatever floats your boat, I guess. I just can't imagine wasting my time on 3 or 4 posts that "good naturedly" heckle backstrokers just for kicks. :2cents:
  • Geez guys. The breaststrokers I used to know had the fortitude to banter back. Maybe do a little research in the USMS competition results. Then you could seriously abuse me. Oh,so this is that trash talking I've heard about. I'm sorry but that concept is after my time:cane: .I have looked your times up and you have some respectable TTs.All in distance free,you might want to expand your focus.Once I even swam a 200 BK.The announcer made fun of me,but I won my age group(only entry,that's why I swam it.)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    Geez guys. The breaststrokers I used to know had the fortitude to banter back. Maybe do a little research in the USMS competition results. Then you could seriously abuse me.