What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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Former Member
No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • If injured or ill, I totally understand. No problem. And what's a good excuse when perfectly healthy? Mental illness perhaps. . . Well, some people actually think they are training tools that can enhance performance. :thhbbb: Look, you and ande swim naked; other people (even elite swimmers) like their toys. I've never understood why people worry about other's people's equipment so much. Just swim and be courteous about your lanemates. On Sundays, I frequently swim in a lane with a guy that does all freestyle. He says the other strokes hurt his shoulders. He seems to be working damn hard. So I don't care.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Most masters swimmers are not ex NCAA types though. :thhbbb: Some have shoulder problems and need fins. Others can't do fly or *** because of shoulder or knee issues. They have to modify workouts. Better that than to not swim. If you want perfection, you have to go to USA practices because our bodies break down. If injured or ill, I totally understand. No problem. And what's a good excuse when perfectly healthy? Mental illness perhaps. . . :rofl: I'd like to get the injury or illness in which you suddenly cannot count to five seconds causing you to leave on the other person's feet. I think all the gals here will agree with me, there's nothing better than having a 40+ year old man between your legs when doing breaststroke at 6 AM in the morning. :rofl::rofl::lmao: Truly, there is soooo much humor in that. Just seems like the place that some of them want to be. Otherwise, wouldn't you leave 10 seconds or go first?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Kristina, I don't understand why what swimmers are doing in other lanes bothers you. Your lane, I understand, but other lanes?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    All of a sudden there's no topic originator named in the thread listing for this thread and the first post has a phantom posting... :confused: Originally posted by swimmnjenn No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Having spent the past three days at a kid's meet, I'm full of pet peeves. I think kids' sporting events bring out the loco in parents. My pet peeve is the parent who rushes over to you to tell you how great a swimmer their kid is because they got their first BB time as your kid is in the middle of their event. When you sit for 90 minutes waiting for the next 35 second event, you'd kind of like to see it.
  • All of a sudden there's no topic originator named in the thread listing for this thread and the first post has a phantom posting... :confused:
  • I'm sure you look fabulous dahling! Much better than the blue tron suit.
  • People in your lane that come off the walls after turns in the middle of the lane & crash or nearly into others!!:soapbox::doh:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Well, some people actually think they are training tools that can enhance performance. Agreed. However, chronic abusers of the toys sink without them. Call me crazy, but I don't like it when Suzy Q or Johnny B show up to the 100 yd free race with wetsuit, fins, and paddles. Ditto in practice. Last I checked you can't bring a bike to a foot race. There is a time and place for equipment as dictated by the coach (or you are injured.) Those who shall remain nameless, choose to solder the items permanently to their body. Yeah. I race 'em. They are in the group of lanes that race each other. I take it like my cod liver oil. But I ain't gonna like it. Look, you and ande swim naked; other people (even elite swimmers) like their toys. So how do I look? :laugh2:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    My newest pet peeve is people who post valueless/meaningless messages on the discussion forum. If you don’t have anything of value to post, don’t post!:rant3: Kind of like this post…:doh::bolt: NOTE: This is not directed at anyone posting on this thread, but to other one-line posters.