What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • the opposite of a pet peeve.... i have met swimmers for the 1st time as a masters that i race (on paper) 40 years ago. such great times chatting with them now.Agreed. Similar to that - also on the positive side - I dropped into a Masters workout last month in California and ran into a guy I raced as an age grouper back in Virginia. He was a cross-state rival back then and we didn't know each other that well then, but are now getting to know each other as adults. very cool.
  • The swimmer that wears a big watch in practice and hits me and others with it cuz they swim straight arm out to the side. We have a deck clock for this purpose!! Leave it in the locker or bag, would ya!!!
  • We are so blessed in central Indiana to have a ton of indoor, 50 meter natatoriums in many of our high schools! Most of these pools are 10 years or less old. My gripe is the lack of maintenance in the shower rooms. Believe it or not, most of the showers in most of these pool locker rooms barely work. I usually attend the 5 a.m. workouts and have to prepare myself for my day of work each morning in these locker rooms. It disgusts me that these lovely facilities are totally ignoring their showers and locker room cleanliness. I have recently started carrying a bottle of Lime Away in my swim bag. I'm going to squirt the shower heads each morning with an attempt to de-lime them enough to work. If this doesn't do the trick I plan to purchase a couple shower heads and stay late on a Saturday to secretly install them. Other than this I have no complaints. Swimming is the activity that washes my negative away and keeps me in the path of happiness!! :)
  • Pet peeve: I train as hard as I think I can, but I still get whooped by some certain Texans ... Flip side of the pet peeve (why I love swimming): No matter who beats who in the race, we still laugh and commiserate in the cool-down pool and remain friends before competitors the opposite of a pet peeve.... i have met swimmers for the 1st time as a masters that i race (on paper) 40 years ago. such great times chatting with them now.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    4. Seeing bandaids in or around the pool area This. So much this.
  • Making the same costly mistakes in the 50, then questioning whether it's actually due to slowness by not being able to prove yourself otherwise with a lucky swim.The 50 free is the world's most unforgiving race. Not the hardest; but the one with no room for error and, in my experience, the one race (save one time in 2009) I can never swim well. But, that does remind me of a pet peeve - why more people don't realize the sublime beauty of a well-swum and well-enjoyed 200 fly?
  • But, that does remind me of a pet peeve - why more people don't realize the sublime beauty of a well-swum and well-enjoyed 200 fly? :bliss:Well said, pwb, well said! :applaud: My pet peeve is my inability to (yet) master a well-swum 200 fly (or any fly race, for that matter...). :dunno: My stroke has improved, but it I am having more difficulties with it than I have ever had with my other strokes. I can swim fly forever (well, at least 2,000 yards non-stop, looking back on past efforts), but not with a stroke with any speed to it. Thanks to my inability to keep my arms close to the surface, I'm diving down with every stroke. On 200 fly, I am nowhere near making a time on the motivational charts! :badday:
  • Making the same costly mistakes in the 50, then questioning whether it's actually due to slowness by not being able to prove yourself otherwise with a lucky swim.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    My pet peeve is the smugness of complaints people put on this thread.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    Don't worry, Elaine mine is with backstroke to make the turns-flipped turns.