What is your pet peeve about swimming?

Former Member
Former Member
No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Having spent the past three days at a kid's meet, I'm full of pet peeves. I think kids' sporting events bring out the loco in parents. My pet peeve is the parent who rushes over to you to tell you how great a swimmer their kid is because they got their first BB time as your kid is in the middle of their event. When you sit for 90 minutes waiting for the next 35 second event, you'd kind of like to see it.
  • Having spent the past three days at a kid's meet, I'm full of pet peeves. I think kids' sporting events bring out the loco in parents. My pet peeve is the parent who rushes over to you to tell you how great a swimmer their kid is because they got their first BB time as your kid is in the middle of their event. When you sit for 90 minutes waiting for the next 35 second event, you'd kind of like to see it.
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