What is your pet peeve about swimming?

Former Member
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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • I know.Today there was a little snow.They didn't close the schools,just had a late start,but when I got to the pool(in beautiful weather I might add) it said "closed for inclement weather.":notworking::sad::sad:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    I've had the informal race in the pool...usually I let them burn out ahead for a bit and then hammer my last 50 (sprinters usually have a little gas left) then watch them gasp at the wall after they try to hold the lead hahaha. When this happens to me (not often but some new swimmers try to race me), I make it a point to swim extra looooooong, with fewer Strokes per distance so that it looks like even my very slow leisurely pace is outrunning them. (A few times this has impressed the person "they" were trying to impress and they (the impressees not the wannabe-impressors) were gracious enough to make positive comments.) Mostly I ignore it now. "Some" whipper-snappers you just can't ignore.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Smokin times:applaud: Makes me glad I'm a breaststroker...Since I don't swim these events, you can't beat me. I'd hate losing to a girl:thhbbb: Thanks Glider. :) Hey, I can't say I enjoy losing to guys. :lmao: Donna, awesome job on the weight loss. Not sure if I'm going to wear blue TRON to the Dyna meet. I still feel silly in it.
  • This morning I was doing pace intervals (not speed work) and this guy in his 20s kept making a BIG production out of passing me... while wearing big fins of course. What is up with that??? Why do men half my age seem to want to race me when it is obvious that a.) I'm not really very fast, and b.) I'm female and old enough to be their mother? hehe, that always happens. any time I am swimming next to someone, I always try to race them at some point. when the speed isn't there for the other person, I try to see how much I can do in the time it takes them to do a 25 or 50. The big production thing does seem a little over the top, though. I was at the public pool over the holiday break... SwimmieAvsFan & I were doing 200s. This dad and his three boys, one of whom was upper HS/low college age, were mucking around in the lane next to us, and the one oldest kid insisted on racing me for a 50 every other 50 or so, but always when I was pushing off a turn in the middle of a 200. I thought it was amusing how he though he was so cool because his sprint 50 would beat my mid-set 200s and was pretty close to asking him if he wanted to race. If his speed was the fastest he could go, he didn't stand a chance, even in a 50.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    What is up with that??? Why do men half my age seem to want to race me... Maybe he was flirting and trying to impress you with his prowess? I've had the informal race in the pool...usually I let them burn out ahead for a bit and then hammer my last 50 (sprinters usually have a little gas left) then watch them gasp at the wall after they try to hold the lead hahaha. Mostly I ignore it now.
  • Slow swimmers that get in the fast lane then exit under the ropes across 3 lanes when I'm swimming BR underwater for 25 and cause me to jar my neck when we collide. :duel: make sure you berate them like they're a 5 year old kid and you own the place :duel:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Slow swimmers that get in the fast lane then exit under the ropes across 3 lanes when I'm swimming BR underwater for 25 and cause me to jar my neck when we collide.
  • Most masters swimmers are not ex NCAA types though. :thhbbb: Some have shoulder problems and need fins. Others can't do fly or *** because of shoulder or knee issues. They have to modify workouts. Better that than to not swim. If you want perfection, you have to go to USA practices because our bodies break down. I get annoyed when people swim under the lane ropes into my lane when I'm swimming solo. Sometimes, I have my monofin on and can't even see them. I'll probably kill someone with it soon. I also hate it when people want to ask me a question when I'm in the middle of a set and hanging on the wall gasping for breath waiting for the next interval. Wait till I'm done please.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Ever have one of those practices where you're doing what's assigned and everyone else has their own agenda? I think I showed up to the wrong sport this morning. During plain swim sets: Guy on my left: wearing fins for 50% of the workout Gal on my left: wearing wetsuit and leaving 5 seconds early each repeat Gal(s) on my left: wearing fins and/ or paddles to make the faster interval Guys in my lane during IM: Free, back, ***, free OR Free, back, back, free OR Fly, back, back, free 1 guy in my lane: sick My lane during free sets: leave on my feet OR stop at the wall and rest a 50 to leave on my feet Guy to my right and two lanes over: fins the whole practice The rest of the swimmers surrounding me (who chose not to use equipment), were ex NCAA Div I. Dang! It was just not fun! :doh::rofl::shakeshead: I think next time, (outside of donning a wetsuit), I'm going to imitate all these habits and see what people say! :joker:
  • I have to admit that when the interval gets too tough for me I add the fins to keep up, but then I am trying to keep up with the kids who are seriously much faster than me. Coach is ok with it since I need to learn to use my legs anyway (I'm a leg dragger!). I do agree that masters swimmers need to learn to leave 5 seconds apart. When I used to swim with the masters I purposely moved out of the "crowded leave on top of eachother" lane (also known as the PACK) and donned the paddles to do the faster interval in a less crowded lane.