What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • My pet peeve is swimmers that kick with the pull buoy during a pull set! Doesn't that defeat the purpose?:confused:
  • Originally posted by swimr4life My pet peeve is swimmers that kick with the pull buoy during a pull set! Doesn't that defeat the purpose?:confused: That's about equal to swimmers who do a pull set with fins on (uless there is an injury, because then I could understand)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by Karen Duggan Shannan, Looking at your other post about swimming in the north... From your description of his size perhaps he was a poor, misguided polar bear, and you looked like a tasty seal snack! I didn't like my other avatar so I thought I change it. Aren't they cute? Although the polar bear that was after me didn't look so cute.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by SWinkleblech I didn't like my other avatar so I thought I change it. Aren't they cute? Although the polar bear that was after me didn't look so cute. Drafters....esp. once you push off and they dont' give you the courtesy of waiting.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by swimr4life My pet peeve is swimmers that kick with the pull buoy during a pull set! Doesn't that defeat the purpose?:confused: It just means they're lazy. I've met a few who don't know how to use the Pull Bouy and seeing them is funny for all the wrong reasons. I remembered a pet peeve of mine just recently. I swim at the university pool and there's this student trainer who's a part of the work study program. Okay, so I'm on this starting block that was left on the lane from a previous swimmer when I decide to get on it and practice my starts (yeah, I don't get enough of starting block training) when this guy sees that I'm on the darn thing, waiting to start. I like to concentrate on my start so that I can get a decent form when I start, since my starts aren't all that good, when all of a sudden, he says "GO!" which seriously not only startled me, but ruined my concentration, so what do I do?? I get off the block, SLAPPING my chest and lap. "OWWWW!!!" Not only did I screw up on my start, but I was in discomfort from the water slapping my chest and lap. I don't need for someone to tell me to go when I'm concentrating on a start. :yikes: I'm beginning to sound like Guvnah with that last line :p But seriously though, I need every ounce of concentration to practice my starts. I'm not going to start on the edge of a pool when I attend my first swim meet.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by SWinkleblech I didn't like my other avatar so I thought I change it. Aren't they cute? Although the polar bear that was after me didn't look so cute. I think your polar bear has come south for the rest of the winter. I would swear he was in my pool yesterday wearing paddles as large as trash can lids!
  • Not annoying, just wondering what the benefit would be since you are not suppose to move your feet anyway. Is there additional lift from wearing the fins with a pull bouy. When I see people doing this, I just figure they did not want to take the time to take the fins off.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by SWinkleblech He was back at my pool yesturday. He kept swimming in and out of my lane. I had no idea what he was trying to do. One time he was even swimming beneath me. :confused: He was ogling you. Checking you out from all sides and angles... A veritable aquatic peeping tom! :) :) :)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by Kae1 I often wind up sharing the pool at the gym with people "swimming laps" who look as though they will sustain serious injury if they keep at it the way they are going. There's the thrashers, who swing their arms so fast it looks like they're training for baseball pitching (and tend to be the ones who think you have to swim Tarzan-style with your head out of the water, whipping from one side to another); there's the "manatees" - the ones with their rear ends on the bottom of the pool and noses poking above the water - often swimming breaststroke with a long pull down to their knees and not going anywhere. I worry for the shoulders and necks of these poor people, not to mention the fact that they probably aren't getting any benefit whatsoever from their "workout". I'm sure y'all see this, too. My question is do you ever mention it to them? Casually direct them to a good book or clinic on technique? Offered to teach them? Kae Sometimes I want to do that. I don't, though, because I suspect more people than not will take offense of some sort at the suggestion.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by Guvnah He was ogling you. Checking you out from all sides and angles... A veritable aquatic peeping tom! :) :) :) The scary thing is I actually have a guy like that at my gym's pool. Seriously. I've dubbed him CPG = Creepy Pool Guy, and this is at a very nice and not inexpensive gym, so he's obviously a paying member. He is always looking at certain female swimmers. Wait, looking is inaccurate. He is staring at us and believe me when I tell you I'm not a pretty site in a Speedo! It's very awkward b/c I want to say something to him but I don't want to be confrontational. He also has a habit of choosing a lane next to one of us and then standing there leaning against the wall while we swim laps. Ewww. It's really creepy b/c he's not even doing any sort of aqua workout - he just stands there and stares. I know this may sound silly or odd, but I can feel him watching my bum as I swim laps so I find myself kicking smaller and trying to stay v. low in the water. It's uncomfortable and oddly disturbing... Steph