What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • I had that head banging experience last summer. I was outdoors in the long course pool and was doing broken IMs. I was doing *** to free leg. What I did not know was immediately after I started my breaststroke, a gentlemen got in the lane with me and basically was swimming freestyle right behind me. When I turned and streamlined fast off the wall into freestyle(the focus was good tight turns), smack, right into him. He apoligized and said he had not given me room becuase he did not think I was going to come right back. Huh? After that I did a little open water sighting!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by Karen Duggan I read about the first 5 pages from November and had quite the good chuckle. Did "Guvnah" set a record for longest post(s)? I think he may have. :p I could go on forever because I breathe every stroke. :) :)
  • Swimmers who slack off but are able to get their Junior and Senior National cuts. These people would be hanging out at the Ice cream parlor for two hours while another swimmer is putting 150% effort at practice to get those cuts.
  • That is really annoying that that goes one at your gym. Maybe if you and other people should complain to management, the gym could enforce circle swimming and swimming only. I know all too well about 2 people in a lane. The rule at our pool is to circle swim but people don't want to do it at my gym. Just a suggestion. You can't have people waiting to swim. No one has time to wait!!!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by knelson Well then, they should learn. I can't even imagine this. Is the time designated as "lap swimming" or just "open swim?" It seems like you could at least get them to divide the pool so some people could do circle swim laps. There is no time designated as 'lap swim'. The only rule is that there be no lap swimming during the water aerobics class (which apparently doesn't stop people from doing water aerobics in the pool whenever they feel like it - they just don't have the instructor and loud music). all other times the pool is open for "member use" and nothing specifies what limitations (if any) there are in the definition of "use". Personally, I think it speaks to the larger issue of many people (especially in Arizona) feeling that a pool exists for relaxation and enjoyment, not excersize. For example, to cool off after your 'real' workout on the weights or at the spinning class, or as a refresher so you can get back into the spa without getting overheated. The idea that swimming *is* a workout for many of us is just too foreign. I'm trying to work on my fly, since that seems to convey the message "I'm serious" to others getting in the poo:D Kae
  • Originally posted by Kae1 and some may not even know what the concept of circle swimming is. Well then, they should learn. I can't even imagine this. Is the time designated as "lap swimming" or just "open swim?" It seems like you could at least get them to divide the pool so some people could do circle swim laps.
  • I read about the first 5 pages from November and had quite the good chuckle. Did "Guvnah" set a record for longest post(s)? I think he may have. :p I've experienced a lot of these in 25 years of swimming! I still do get annoyed from time to time, but I'll only say something to someone if they really injure me, because they're not paying attention. This happened not too long ago and I was really surprised at the words that came out of my mouth. I had never used those words in the water! But it really hurt and probably worse, them running into my head was a complete surprise! Pain and surprise are not a good combination! These days when I swim with people that turn my lane into the RESOURCE lane (an education term used to describe the kids who need extra assistance) and mess up sets or intervals I just think to myself and occasionally say, "I'm just happy to be here." There have been times when, for many reasons, I could not swim, so even a bad day swimming is better than not swimming at all :)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Every pet peeve known to swimming-kind in the same night: Last night I went to the gym after work (as usual). There are 3 pretty wide lanes in the 25-meter pool, but we can't really circle swim because it's a gym, not a team practice, and people get there at different times, are doing different workouts, and some may not even know what the concept of circle swimming is. Every lane has 2 people in it, and there are 2 others (besides me) waiting. We wait patiently, it takes about 20 minutes for me to get in (I was last there). About halfway through my workout, another swimmer shows up and waits patiently on deck. In the meantime, stretch-cord-string-bikini woman shows up, plops her gear (in a big, rolling duffel) at the end of the middle lane, and gets in the water. However, after staking her claim, she does stay off to the side on the steps. Then grumpy-old-man shows up and gets in the water, and just starts walking up and down a lane that already has 2 lap swimmers in it. Eventually, one gets out; stretch-cord-string-bikini woman gets in (the first one waiting is still patiently waiting on deck). Stretech-cord-string-bikini woman starts her "workout," which begins with holding on to a "noodle" and bouncing back and forth -- across the lane, mind you -- that grumpy-old-man and some poor guy training for a triathlon were in. I finish, motion to Mr. Patient that I'm done, he can have my lane, and get out. Triathlon guy gets out at about the same time, tells me that grump-old-man walked into him, and when he said "excuse me, I'm trying to swim laps here," was told "you don't own the pool" and "well, just swim half-laps" I was dumbfounded. That's just plain rude! It will be interesting to see if it's that crowded next week. If so, I think we're going to have to start getting less polite (a horrible thought). But when you complain to gym management about it, they just say "the pool is there for all members to use". Wonder what they'd do it someone was routinely coming up to the weight lifters and leaning on their weights, or trying to get on a treadmill with someone already walking on it.:mad: My early morning rant (that felt good). Kae
  • I should have knocked on wood the other night. The irony here is really annoying. I swam at our 7 pm workout tonight. It was about 42 degrees on the deck and you could not see the pool very well with all of the steam. My friend and I got in right at 7 and since it wasn't really crowded we decided to split the lane. Near the end of warm up at 7:15 Kerry says, "One more 50 up and back." I go on my right side of the lane and come back on my right side. Unbeknownst to me, another girl had jumped in and started swimming. She wasn't looking and ran into me! (Of course I wasn't looking either, as there were only two of us in the lane!) She nailed my left hand. She apologized and said," I didn't know you guys were splitting." When I got to the wall my friend said,"Did she hit you?" I said that she got me pretty good, and mocking her, I said, "I didn't know you were splitting- well, you could LOOK!" (I guess she couldn't see with all of the steam?) Insert foot in mouth, her husband was in the next lane listening! DOH. We ended up having a really great practice. I moved over a lane and we raced quite a bit. She won some, I won some. It was a lot of fun :)
  • Scansy and Guvnah, I do that too, especially if I swim at a weird times and have to swim with "lap" swimmers. It's not only just polite, IT IS a safety issue.