Sadistic kick sets

Former Member
Former Member
I'd love to read any sicko kick sets you might be up for sharing. I'm a sprinter and the 100 is as far as I go. 50/100 free and fly so if that matters there it is. Thanks for any of your blood boiler kick sets:banana:.
  • This is for breaststrokers,but it will kill your legs(in a good way) 10X25 eggbeater kick on the min absolutely AFAP.
  • Hmmm, try this one: - go to the deep end of the pool - do 18 vertical dolphin kicks in 6 seconds (basically as fast as you can) - rest 5 seconds, do a sprint 25 (no board) free or fly kick AFAP. Personally I would do these underwater dolphin and try to maintain the same kick rate as the vertical kicks, but your mileage may vary. - do a very ez 25 back down to the deep end, take an additional 30 sec rest - repeat as needed. I'd start with maybe 5 reps and try to get it up to 10. Stop doing them when you can't do 18 kicks in 6 sec (or when you get to 10 reps). For the most part, though, I think the things that make a hard kick set are the same things that make a hard swim set. Probably the hardest kick sets I've done are 5 x 100 kick on 4:00, hold best average.
  • Have you tried "tombstone kicking"? Do a regular kick set with your kick board half in the water/ half out of the water.. You will work twice as hard as a usual kick set. Also, try doing a full kick workout.. I.E. the whole set is kicking. I have several kick workouts if you want me to send them to you.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Have you tried "tombstone kicking"? Do a regular kick set with your kick board half in the water/ half out of the water.. You will work twice as hard as a usual kick set. Also, try doing a full kick workout.. I.E. the whole set is kicking. I have several kick workouts if you want me to send them to you. That would be great if you don't mind thanks! I have 2 days a week I don't swim with the group due to morning obligations and we do very little kick work so I take it upon myself to blast 'em on my own. And thank you for the other kick set ideas to those who posted they look great too.
  • For the most part, though, I think the things that make a hard kick set are the same things that make a hard swim set. Probably the hardest kick sets I've done are 5 x 100 kick on 4:00, hold best average. I agree and I find it more difficult to maintain my initial pace on kick sets than I do on similar swim sets. The quads use up lots of oxygen!
  • Here is one we did on Jun. 18 that turned my legs to jelly. This was done in a long course* pool. The deep end is about 5.5' deep and the shallow end is about 3' deep so my feet hit when I'm about 1/2 way down the pool. This will vary some with height/leg-length/pool-depth of course. 3x Start at the deep end. Water jog with eggbeater kick until feet hit bottom then run to finish the 50 + 50 fly DPS to return to the deep end], *caveat, actually a 49-yd pool.
  • Ohhh.... what a fun, but evil thread. I've been wanting to work on kicking this fall and now you guys have given me a few thigns to work on. Thank you! Any more hell someone wants to give?
  • You could try brick kicking. Gary Hall Jr. demonstrates kicking with a cinder block (instead of kickboard) in The Race Club video. Gary makes it look much easier than it is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    No, is the answer. why have someone hurt you for a dumb reason ? Makes no sense.
  • To improve my kick for backstroke I do sets on my back (slightly to the side actually) holding a 5# dumbbell above me with one arm and the other arm at my side. Alternate sides and do with a strong kick with about 10 seconds rest. You have to kick hard or the dumbbell will push you under and you can't breathe.