Sadistic kick sets

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Former Member
I'd love to read any sicko kick sets you might be up for sharing. I'm a sprinter and the 100 is as far as I go. 50/100 free and fly so if that matters there it is. Thanks for any of your blood boiler kick sets:banana:.
  • Hmmm, try this one: - go to the deep end of the pool - do 18 vertical dolphin kicks in 6 seconds (basically as fast as you can) - rest 5 seconds, do a sprint 25 (no board) free or fly kick AFAP. Personally I would do these underwater dolphin and try to maintain the same kick rate as the vertical kicks, but your mileage may vary. - do a very ez 25 back down to the deep end, take an additional 30 sec rest - repeat as needed. I'd start with maybe 5 reps and try to get it up to 10. Stop doing them when you can't do 18 kicks in 6 sec (or when you get to 10 reps). For the most part, though, I think the things that make a hard kick set are the same things that make a hard swim set. Probably the hardest kick sets I've done are 5 x 100 kick on 4:00, hold best average. Chris, I'm intrigued by the vertical kick set. One question, when you are doing the vertical kicking where are your arms; overhead in a streamline? On your head? Crossed on your chest? Rich
  • Chris, I'm intrigued by the vertical kick set. One question, when you are doing the vertical kicking where are your arms; overhead in a streamline? On your head? Crossed on your chest? I've done all of those things in the past, but in this case (18 kicks in 6 sec) I just have them to the side with hands out of the water. Really anywhere is fine, the main focus is training the nervous system and muscles for rapid dolphin kicking. I got this set from the Univ of Richmond swim coach, who uses it pretty often. He doesn't usually follow it with sprint kicking but I have found that it is a good way to (attempt to) translate the rapid vertical kicking to horizontal kicking.
  • When I vertical kick with arms streamlined, I can only reach eye level to the surface and need a snorkel.
  • 50 kick on 1:00 50 kick on :59 50 kick on :58 50 kick on :57 .... Continue until you miss the interval. -Rick
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    wow all thanks these are some great ideas. going to do this last one osterber in about 15 minutes like it! thanks again!
  • We usually ask the lifeguards to borrow their 10 lb. brick. It's rubber coated, so it's easier to handle in the water and it really is the size of a brick! As Red Cross guards, we have to swim 20 yards, surface dive, retrieve the brick from 10 ft. or the deeper, and swim it back on our back, kicking holding it above the water. in 1:20. Easy interval, but we use it for kick sets too. Gives your legs and arms a killer workout. You could try brick kicking. Gary Hall Jr. demonstrates kicking with a cinder block (instead of kickboard) in The Race Club video. Gary makes it look much easier than it is.