Women's Locker Room

Here's a thread for the ladies to discuss anything that relates to women and swimming. For example, feel free to discuss how disgustingly ugly fastskins are, how the "curse" can kill a meet, how suits don't fit, how swimming wrecks your hair, how hormones unhinge you, etc.
  • Tsk tsk. Arm wrestling is bad for shoulders. Sit up contest? Sure, but in the interest of fairness we have to equalize the weight so you have to hold 2 45lb plates while doing your situps :rolleyes: Paul
  • Tsk tsk. Arm wrestling is bad for shoulders. Sit up contest? Sure, but in the interest of fairness we have to equalize the weight so you have to hold 2 45lb plates while doing your situps :rolleyes: Paul We could carry on this gridge at Nats. Loser wears Paul Smith's tutu at the forum dinner. I'm sure it's a lovely shade of pink that matches your complexion nicely. P.S. I visited my ENT doc today for the annual check up. He said most viruses are spread by doorknobs and money. Money is apparently just downright filthy.
  • time drain + teenagers are mostly unpleasant and so self-centered it's ridiculous! that made me laugh yesterday my daughter fought with my wife then later she texted her to bring her a Starbucks drink to school, which she didn't My Freshman at UT daughter is the same. Drinking Starbucks, new clothes, paid-for car, vacations, cell phone, seeing all the latest movies, etc... (we give her an allowance for the first two and the movies). One day she was telling me...... "I am so afraid that I won't have your (her dad's and mine) lifestyle when I get on my own." I replied, "What are you talking about, we don't have your lifestyle!" They really have no clue!!!!
  • My Freshman at UT daughter is the same. Drinking Starbucks, new clothes, paid-for car, vacations, cell phone, seeing all the latest movies, etc... (we give her an allowance for the first two and the movies). One day she was telling me...... "I am so afraid that I won't have your (her dad's and mine) lifestyle when I get on my own." I replied, "What are you talking about, we don't have your lifestyle!" They really have no clue!!!! Yeah, and it's not just a southwest deal. It's like that on the west coast as well.
  • Yeah, and it's not just a southwest deal. It's like that on the west coast as well. East coast too. They don't seem to understand the poor student gig.
  • They don't seem to understand the poor student gig. Guess we're just too protective. Otta let 'em suffer like we did (or like I did!).
  • But in my experience triathletes (cyclists too) are the world's worst sandbaggers. When I first started going on bike rides with them, I just couldn't BELIEVE all the moaning and groaning that went on before the ride. How awful they've been feeling, how long since the last good ride, how slow they were going to go, on and on. I would think to myself, "what a bunch of old ladies." You must have missed Evil Smith's "whining and complaining" thread. I thought all endurance athletes were notorious for this stuff. Hmmmm.... I'm gonna enjoy chicking Hulk in our zones gridge! No dogs in the locker room! I'm already reaching for the antihistamines just reading about them. Starting to break out in hives too.
  • PLEASE don't tell me that my 2 hour workout yesterday is like a 6 hour bike ride! I think so NOT! I can't last more than 45 minutes on a bike! Today was stroke and turn day w/ the head coach (he just got back from the Toyota Grand Prix meet)! It was AWESOME!! We went through SDK off the walls and free flip turns w/ SDK step by step. I got tips I had NEVER heard of! I can actually make it out 10 meters now by just following his tips (an improvement from barely making it to the flags!). It's tiring granted - but I can at least get out far now!! Who knew!? Here I am off the wall now Can you share those tips please for those of us that are mostly uncoached? Oh, saw this about neti pots today: www.washingtonpost.com/.../AR2008040403232.html (S)he, kids are a huge time drain. I'm looking at my calendar this week and freaking out with all the appointments, sports etc. I have a local zones meet at my home pool. Should me easy, no? Not. 3 day kids prelim/final swim meet, 2 track meets, one in another state, soccer game, birthday party ... Got an email from our coach advising us to "stay off our feet." Mr. Fort is gone until late Friday night. And my swim practice car pool is caput for this week. Plus, teenagers are mostly unpleasant and so self-centered it's ridiculous! The girls are drama queens and the boys can be surly know-it-alls. lol.
  • How cool! I'm a big pug-lover! Ours is Frappie (short for Frappuccino). He is also known as Mr. Pickles. He's the laziest family member BY FAR. His dog food is designer, organic and we joke that it's more expensive than my husband's lunches! ok puggy lovers..i have a 15 1/2 yr old pug (pugsley) . :oldman:he is demanding. always been a picky eater.
  • ok puggy lovers..i have a 15 1/2 yr old pug (pugsley) . :oldman:he is demanding. always been a picky eater. My neighbor has two pugs. They like to chase my 80 lbs. collie and I think he's actually scared of them. What a BIG baby!