Women's Locker Room

Here's a thread for the ladies to discuss anything that relates to women and swimming. For example, feel free to discuss how disgustingly ugly fastskins are, how the "curse" can kill a meet, how suits don't fit, how swimming wrecks your hair, how hormones unhinge you, etc.
  • Great idea. Wish I'd thought of it first. :D :lmao: You could at least contribute something, missie. Or at least tell us who you think the hottest swimmer is. Peirsol perhaps? I have been having the worst "old lady" symptoms. For example, when it's curse time, I can't sleep at all and get really moody and fatigued. I just realized that my next big meet, for which I'm planning to travel, is NOT going to fall at a good time. :bitching: I'll have to take it out on SwimStud, since he's attending. ;)
  • These things can be controlled via birth control pills. Totally depends upon the woman. Some bcp make it worse. Effects everyone differently. After suffering for awhile, I finally complained to my doc and he suggested I take yaz. I'm hoping it helps. So far, I'm nauseous as hell. I hope the side effects go away soon and my body gets used to it. It's hard to suffer through meets this way though. One meet this year, all my friends had either PMS or the curse. There was much biyatching in the warm down pool. Quite frightening really.
  • No question, Phelps - but my mind can't go there for long since I'm old enough to be his mother. Stick with masters swimmers then. :rofl:
  • After suffering for awhile, I finally complained to my doc and he suggested I take yaz. I'm hoping it helps. So far, I'm nauseous as hell. I hope the side effects go away soon and my body gets used to it. It's hard to suffer through meets this way though. One meet this year, all my friends had either PMS or the curse. There was much biyatching in the warm down pool. Quite frightening really. I used to get THE most horrendous cramps/nausea after a race during AF. I'd be ok until about 5 minutes after a race and then the pain would hit with a vengeance to the point I thought I'd throw up. It would eventually subside about 20 minutes later. It was really weird, but I knew a few other people it would happen to. It was horrible. :( I haven't swam a meet with AF in years and I think I would just skip the meet completely at this age. Unfortunately, I can't be on the pill since I have a clotting disorder. :bitching:
  • I used to get THE most horrendous cramps/nausea after a race during AF. I'd be ok until about 5 minutes after a race and then the pain would hit with a vengeance to the point I thought I'd throw up. It would eventually subside about 20 minutes later. It was really weird, but I knew a few other people it would happen to. It was horrible. :( I haven't swam a meet with AF in years and I think I would just skip the meet completely at this age. Unfortunately, I can't be on the pill since I have a clotting disorder. :bitching: Swam my last 2 zones meet in the PMS stage. Intense sleep deprivation. Argh. But it would much worse during than before. I had actually contemplating canceling my travel plans. Not sure it makes sense to spend money to swim slow ... What about black cohash or isoflavins? (S)he-Man was telling me about the latter. Katie: Yes, it's beverage night. I'm having a GNO. Just put the hubby and youngest on a plane. Whoopeee. I'm sleeping in tomorrow too. Assuming I can actually sleep, that is. I aspire to sleep in!
  • Girls, Can you give us boneheads a glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations so we can keep up. Think I have curse and AF understood. Thanks On behalf of the Boys. Curse is the only good word for that lovely time of the month. It describes it perfectly. You guys don't know how easy you have it. You don't have to plan your meets around the curse. Although I have heard some tris say there's some way to stop it for a big event. GNO = girls night out Katie: Stop that bragging!! :joker:
  • I know nothing about womanly things but I do know that my wife got an IUD 3 years ago and no curses since, although she is a very stable person and didn't seem to have issues with PMS. I think the IUD lasts 5 years and then I'm due for a manly procedure.
  • I know nothing about womanly things but I do know that my wife got an IUD 3 years ago and no curses since, although she is a very stable person and didn't seem to have issues with PMS. I think the IUD lasts 5 years and then I'm due for a manly procedure. Might be too young. Or might never get them, if she's lucky. I was asymptomatic until about 44. But my problem is not PMS, per se, but PM (peri-menopause). Similar symptoms, plus hot flashes and general sleep disturbance. I'm apparently in the lucky 17%. Blech. Kate: Just FYI, I have refered to my 13 year old as the RHO, rude hormonal one. Teenage girls can be very trying for many reasons.
  • Have you ever had your gonads and gametes hanging around outside the security of your skeletal structure? I thought not. Have you ever been kicked in the ovaries? Thank you very much. :wave: :thhbbb: Sorry, I have heard that's quite ghastly!!! I hope it never happens at a swim meet!
  • Have you ever noticed when you post something for the ladies MORE MEN THAN EVER SHOW UP???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HMMMMMMMMMMMM WHY is that?:dunno:. Katie Well, we are such fascinating and complex creatures. Plus, they might learn something.