Women's Locker Room

Here's a thread for the ladies to discuss anything that relates to women and swimming. For example, feel free to discuss how disgustingly ugly fastskins are, how the "curse" can kill a meet, how suits don't fit, how swimming wrecks your hair, how hormones unhinge you, etc.
  • If you need a smaller size I can send you my 26. 26 and 27 seemed exactly the same to me. I got it on after many gyrations with Mini-Fort timing the entry process. The high neck feels less comfortable to me than the recordbreaker. And, if it's really possible, it makes me look even more flat chested. lol
  • it was quite an ordeal to slide on my FS PRO hineck I feel for y'all good luck A
  • slide How cruel to use that word.
  • cruel, should I had written struggle shimmy To heck with which suit y'all gonna wear at Nats Which one is most stylish? http://tinyurl.com/264te8 PRO, FS II, FS, LZR?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    I agree everything seems to come apart in the 40's but then again I was able to put it all back together better than in my 20's and 30's, atleast thinner! With chronic lower back pain I can't really say healthier though. But then again over time it has gotten much better. As to the sinus issues I too have that problem usually Feb & Mar. This March I went to Atlanta for a meet and had the worst case of sinus congestion ever. Upon returning home to Savannah I have to say that MEGA dose of pollen from Atlanta made Savannah begin to feel like heaven. My sinuses have cleared up since then YEAH! You people are freaking me out about the 40s. Anyway, Donna, the neti pot as Leslie said is such a miracle cure for my seasonal allergies. It works immediately and is all I need. Allows me to avoid nasty antihistamines and all their side effects (like being tired and cranky.)
  • You people are freaking me out about the 40s. They suck, especially the sleep issues. :shakeshead: But since you're skipping the baby route, that will help. Having babies does the weirdest things to your body. Freaks your hormones out. My allergies were barely noticeable until after baby #3. Now, breathing is a challenge at times. BTW, have you tried Quercetin or stinging nettle for allergies or just the neti pot? On another topic, who lies more about the amount they are working out, men or women? I have this sense that there is an underestimation of how much working out is going on from another thread ... But then I'm the skeptical type.
  • On another topic, who lies more about the amount they are working out, men or women? I have this sense that there is an underestimation of how much working out is going on from another thread ... But then I'm the skeptical type. I don't know about women; any lying that occurs would probably low-ball the actual amount. Men? Whatever puts them (us) in the best light. Done properly, it can work either way: -- "I'm just a little sore from the 80,000 yards I put in this week. Good thing I only did half of it butterfly." (Known as the Baker approach.) -- "I just set 4 WRs even though I swim about 1000 yards a week." (the Smith statement -- you pick which Smith)
  • Yeah. My friends told me some really freaky things that happened to their bodies during/ after childbirth. What's this about having skin tags form all over your body? They did not sell me on having children. I have a husband, two elderly parents, an immature brother, and a demanding pug. Frankly, I feel like a mother of 5! I have not heard about Quercetin or stinging nettle at all. I just used the neti pot solo and it worked immediately no matter how bad an attack I was having. Really is miraculous. Who wants to swim on antihistamines? I can only imagine what my poor CNS suffers through ... I need some PEDs to counteract the depressing effect of my allergy meds ... Quercetin and stinging nettle are homeopathic allergy "meds." Skin tags from babies? Ew. I didn't get either those or stretch marks, so I feel pretty darn lucky on that score.
  • Of the few masters that I know that actually do doubles, they don't go out of their way to make it known they are doing doubles. I actually ran into one of them doing doubles and they looked sheepishly at me. If I kick someone's butt (meaning a guy's) in the pool, I usually get an unprovoked exclamation of: 1. I ran a marathon right before practice 2. I have bronchitis and just got over a case of strep throat 3. I haven't been in the water since 1974 4. I'm 50 years old and you are much younger than me Ha! I suspected as much. Guys totally hate getting beat by chicks. Chris: It must be Paul Smith. I've read the evil one sometimes does --- horrors -- "garbage yards."
  • I can put that rumor to rest, having trained next to him LC for several weeks before worlds. He does NOT do garbage yards. I hate to say that, since I love jabbing at him. If anything he is the wall tag king. I remember one practice when he, Smith Junior and Laura were all sharing a lane. Most of the time was spent talking about what should be done rather than actually doing it. I think Laura rolled her eyes several times and just went on swimming. I meant the Evil John Smith has written about doing garbage yards!