Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    God, I'll say. I'll leave it as an exercise for some_girl to go back and read her posts. I don't think we're the ones with the reading comprehension problem. I'm glad that others have pointed that out. I feared the point would be lost on her coming from me.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    George & Tracy....come on guys....were not talking about a "good" result here.....were talking about something that has never been achieved in sport before....something absolutley earth shattering in the history of swimming....just like Bonds home runs, just like McGuires, just like almost every 100m record in track, just like a comebaack from the dead in the Tour de France by Landis.....all deserve scrutiny.....don't try and make this out to be some kind of "witch hunt" after a weekend warrior. So Paul, by that comment you would say that everytime a record has been broken, or is broken in the future....that person should be scrutinized and blasted until they can prove they did it legally? I guess I would be labeled an optimist then....I always try and see the good in people....until proven otherwise.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    So Paul, by that comment you would say that everytime a record has been broken, or is broken in the future....that person should be scrutinized and blasted until they can prove they did it legally? I guess I would be labeled an optimist then....I always try and see the good in people....until proven otherwise. I recall reading somewhere that Mr. Smith was asked to provide a urine sample after setting a new world record in the 50 fly (Fina masters). Perhaps his perspective is coming from a different place with respect to the legitimacy of one's performance. In this instance, he's been on the other side of the fence. No one is immune from being questioned.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Such a dysfunctional family...it would get great realty TV ratings, yeah, bring us all together to a secret dorm far from civilization (South Dakota?) where we live together (segregated into the NSR and SR dorms) and train together. The Nameless One might make a guest appearances and Terry L. can arm wrestle Leslie. What do you think?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    On a sabbatical...hmm...I guess you could say you're out of the orifice, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk...
  • Peter I miss TL I also think Fort does to. We haven't even heard the details of his shoulder rehab ... :(
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Peter I miss TL I also think Fort does to. I also miss the nameless one. I am heading to Nanaimo next week to get my Satellite Internet hooked up 2000 bucks and $129 a month so I can keep an eye on you guys when I am in Mexico. When I get there (Nanaimo) I may look you up for a #2 buzz. I sold a pool down the road from you in Cobble Hill. Such a dysfunctional family...it would get great realty TV ratings, yeah, bring us all together to a secret dorm far from civilization (South Dakota?) where we live together (segregated into the NSR and SR dorms) and train together. The Nameless One might make a guest appearances and Terry L. can arm wrestle Leslie. What do you think?
  • Here's Geek's next avatar: Here's a better one from a real basketball school.
  • It is occasionally acceptable to partake in sports other than swimming.