Dara Torres-Amazing

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Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • The point is that the hooded accusations of Dara being a user has no proof. I use more drugs just to keep my sugar balanced and keep my blood pressure under control. No one is arguing that drugs taken with a prescription or to keep you alive make you a doping athlete. Nor is anyone suggesting that a good result is indicative of use. You are correct in that there is zippo proof. However, we do know that she has admitted to pushing the envelope in 2000. Couple that admission with her fantastic results does open the door for questions, which ever she herself has admitted to.
  • Geek: the new avatar is pretty funny, by the way!
  • Can you say flip-flop? :rolleyes: God, I'll say. I'll leave it as an exercise for some_girl to go back and read her posts. I don't think we're the ones with the reading comprehension problem.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I can't help but wonder just how enjoyable a sandwich would really be in this situation. I am guessing not very, but not having tried it I could be wrong. Well maybe Geek's coach calling him Pierre was more along the lines of him being "Lucky Pierre" and not much to do with his mankini... :eek::laugh2::bolt:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    We work hard. Let's get behind our extreme masters performers until they let us down. In earlier posts...my position strongly supported her achievements. No questions asked. I would still like to believe this. From what's been floating around in past articles...she isn't just having Wheaties in the morning.
  • I disagree with Paul's assertion that Dara's performances were "earth-shattering," too. Yes, her 50 free was a new American Record, but still four tenths of a second off the World mark. Her 100 time was over a second off Coughlin's American Record set this year in Melbourne. It's almost 1.5 seconds off the 52.99 Libby Lenton swam in the mixed relay at Duel in the Pool. In fact it places her 8th this year in the world rankings. Yes, damn impressive for a 40 year old, but not what I'd call earth-shattering (her 50 ties her for 3rd in the world).
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I guess the below excerpt summarizes well the inconvenient truth of high performance-professional (i.e. for profit) "sport" including swimming "Dr. Charles Yesalis, professor of health and human development at Penn State, has spent the last 22 years studying the subject. He is firmly convinced that illegal substance use is rampant in many sports, including swimming. The difference, he notes, is that East Germany and China had/have an organized dirty system, while the U.S., Canada and Australia, among others, have labored in a "dirty and unorganized" fashion."
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Just wonder am I a druggie. I just had 2 slices of flax seed bread. This bread has vitamins added. A and D. Are you considered druggie for taking vitamin E. I used to take wheat germ oil capsules. Am I a druggie I took 2 asprins today before I went to the pool. I took my renedil, metformin, glyboride and altace, I must be a druggie.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    George, I don't understand the point of your post but I don't really think that qualifies you as a druggie. The point is that the hooded accusations of Dara being a user has no proof. I use more drugs just to keep my sugar balanced and keep my blood pressure under control.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    There is some message board rule that says a thread ends when Hitler is brought up. HITLER. There, I think this can be put to bed now (doubt it....) PS aquageek's laterst avatar gives alot of insite into his personality (the joke with in the joke, HA, very funny!).