Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    George & Tracy....come on guys....were not talking about a "good" result here.....were talking about something that has never been achieved in sport before....something absolutley earth shattering in the history of swimming....just like Bonds home runs, just like McGuires, just like almost every 100m record in track, just like a comebaack from the dead in the Tour de France by Landis.....all deserve scrutiny.....don't try and make this out to be some kind of "witch hunt" after a weekend warrior. So Paul, by that comment you would say that everytime a record has been broken, or is broken in the future....that person should be scrutinized and blasted until they can prove they did it legally? I guess I would be labeled an optimist then....I always try and see the good in people....until proven otherwise.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    George & Tracy....come on guys....were not talking about a "good" result here.....were talking about something that has never been achieved in sport before....something absolutley earth shattering in the history of swimming....just like Bonds home runs, just like McGuires, just like almost every 100m record in track, just like a comebaack from the dead in the Tour de France by Landis.....all deserve scrutiny.....don't try and make this out to be some kind of "witch hunt" after a weekend warrior. So Paul, by that comment you would say that everytime a record has been broken, or is broken in the future....that person should be scrutinized and blasted until they can prove they did it legally? I guess I would be labeled an optimist then....I always try and see the good in people....until proven otherwise.
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