Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • No, but his dad does. You don't think her millionaire father would help her out with money in any way he can?!
  • You don't think her millionaire father would help her out with money in any way he can?! I don't know a thing about her dad's benevolence. Maybe as a 40 year old married woman with a kid she has figured out how to live and train independent of a ride on the parental gravy train, but you never know, he could be bankrolling the effort.
  • Maybe since my married friends still get crap loads of money from their parents (think of down payments on condos, cars, and their own credit cards which are used to purchase very expensive clothes, shoes, and furniture) I might be biased. Dara also has plenty of money on her own. I think the money excuse is valid.
  • While I find the Spitz comparison somewhat valid - how old was he in 92? He was 20 years removed from his stellar Olympics!! That's older than most kids on the National Team (or at least several of them). Dara is 7 years removed from her last Olympics - a HUGE difference. As far as talent goes, who knows she might be as talented or more so. Why do you think Spitz was more talented? (I am curious not accusing)
  • For me the talent is better because he has the most impressive Olympic performance (in any and all sports) ever. Seven gold medals in a single Olympics, we've been mesmerized by that for 35 years now. It is still the ultimate Olympics achievement. Michael Johnson was awesome in 1996 but still not Spitz awesome. Smith - good post and humorous, a double whammy.
  • For me the talent is better because he has the most impressive Olympic performance (in any and all sports) ever. Seven gold medals in a single Olympics, we've been mesmerized by that for 35 years now. It is still the ultimate Olympics achievement. Michael Johnson was awesome in 1996 but still not Spitz awesome. Smith - good post and humorous, a double whammy. I understand what he accomplished, but even he admits that he couldn't do it now because the level of competition is so much higher, the pressure is higher, etc. He thinks Phelps is a lot more talented. The women's sprints are deep and very fast. I don't think you can compare them. Again 20 year Olympic lay off!!
  • I told you why I thought he was more talented, take it or leave it. Torres hasn't come close to that so there you go. You can't change when you are born or who you compete against. Another reason is that the most talented Olympian of all time, Spitz, says Phelps is more talented, yet even Phelps hasn't done what Spitz did, yet anyway.
  • And I *gasp* disagreed with you and questioned you. I should probably be beated for such a front. Thanks for clearing up that bit about not being able to control when you are born. What I am saying is you can't control your circumstances either and things are constantly changing which is why it is somewhat silly to compare Spitz and Torres.
  • Mr Goodsmith: The Spitz comparison is a very weak one. Spitz did not stay active the way Dara did when he made his comeback. He took 17 years off from swimming and from physical sports activity. Spitz is probably the most talented swimmer ever. His workouts were legendary because no one did workouts like he did and was able to be that good. When Spitz tried to make a comeback he managed to go :58.03 in the 100 meter Fly and the Olympic Trial qualifying time was :55.59 and he wasn't even close. Dara Torres goes to Stanford last year and goes :25.98 leading off a Relay that I know you were a witness to and easily makes the Olympic standard without any publicity. That fact that it took Spitz 2 full years to do a time that came up almost 2.5 seconds from qualifying and it took Dara qualifing easily after having a baby 3 months before the swim says something. Plus I don't believe Spitz went to any of the big competitions that Dara has gone to and the only races I remember seeing him in in his comeback were the TV prize races against Biondi and Jager where he was soundly beaten. There was a lot of incentive for him to do this because Bud Greenspan was going to make a film of his comeback if he were successful. The fact that his :54.27 time in 1972 would have placed him 3rd in the 1989 USA LCM rankings made people believe he could do it. My understanding is that Dara is doing this on her own and there are no financial incentives attached yet. It will be interesting to see how far she goes and what happens. You are correct about Rowdy. He was 29 when he missed making the 1988 Olympic team by .07 in the 100 Meter Free. You still have not answered my question. Do you believe that Dara Torres is using performancing enhancing drugs and is that the reason for her success? I agree there are more drugs and illegal supplements out there but does that mean that Dara Torress is using performance enhancing drugs?
  • What I am saying is you can't control your circumstances either and things are constantly changing which is why it is somewhat silly to compare Spitz and Torres. So, apparently you aren't really curious at all. To me, Spitz has a more impressive swimming resume and that leads me to believe he is or was or whatever more talented, in case you are curious. Debating who was better in different sports eras is one of the best things about sports, and sports bars, and beer. Woods/Nicklaus, Wilt/Russell, etc.