Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    As for drug testing at Nats, am I missing something, or don't drug cheats cycle off the drugs in time to avoid positive tests? I just assumed that similar to cycling, they do catch people using these substances. However, there is most likely some truth to your suggestion.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Fort....other than you saying there is evidence against him....where is the proof....show me some solid evidence that proves your point! Everybody says there is all this proof....show it to me. If this is a statement about Barry Bonds, he admitted that he took the "clear" that came from Balco. This substance was later confirmed as a steroid. The only caveat is that he said he thought is was "flaxseed oil." The proof is in the man's own words. He took it. Now, whether he took it knowingly or not, that we may never know.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Fort, I am a True Blue Dodger fan from LA....so that should tell you what I think of Barry and the Giants....on the note of what we are talking about: If Balco is proof why is he still not in Jail? Or banned from the game? I am still waiting for something that proves his guilt....... Like Michael Vick.....on tape is pretty clear proof!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Or maybe not, if it turns out she's doping: canuckswimmer.blogspot.com/.../i-came-to-praise-torres-but-intend-to.html canuckswimmer.blogspot.com/.../i-came-to-praise-torres-but-intend-to_27.html canuckswimmer.blogspot.com/.../i-came-to-praise-torres-but-intend-to_28.html If you read a little further into this guy's blog, you'll find out that he's entered in the USMS LC Nationals in The Woodlands... --
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Meh, forgot to quote TJ, but this is in response to his comments A. Because taking steroids with a doctors prescription (which I wouldn't be surprised if he had) isn't illegal B. They are trying to bring perjury charges against him unless i'm mistaken C. He isn't banned from the game because he never failed a major league drug test while the rules were in place. Bonds is a lot like Rasmussen, there is very strong circumstantial evidence to say that he is doping, but there is nothing solid.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Don't forget the attitude.
  • Mr Goodsmith: Its nice to hear from you. I noticed that your times in the 50 and 100 Free last year in the Stanford World Championships at almost 45 years old are faster than Dara Torres times are now. I don't think we would ever accuse you of taking performance enhancing drugs because you said you don't have the body look of someone like that. So how do you swim so fast at your age? I have to believe its your technique, experience, and talent. Or is it your workouts?
  • Skip: Not saying Smith isn't on the juice but your argument is lame. Smith, while smoking fast, is probably in the top 2 or 3 in the world for his age, would be well below 90th place in this weekend's meet with his 100 time from Stanford, which I think is a US only meet. In a way you've almost come to Smith's defense (despicable as that may be) as you have pretty much proven it is downright hard to compete with the 20 something elites in your 40s.
  • Is also the simplest answer to swimming faster at, say 23 or 25, or 29, than at 20 also drugs? So therefore Neethling is a cheater, Phelps is a cheater, Schoeman is a cheater, Jones is a cheater, Keller is a cheater, Brunelli is a cheater, Lochte is a cheater, Vendt is a cheater, Swimstud is a cheater, Coughlin is a cheater, the list goes on and on… Oh come on. At least argue with good faith. Twenty-nine is not forty. Improving your times as a Masters swimmer when you didn't swim at the most elite level is different again. Anyways, this is pointless. People who want to believe she is clean will find the flimsiest pretexts to believe it, and for many of the cynical there is little that will lay the matter to rest. And I suppose that wanting to believe in the wonder of the world, while naive, is not killing babies or anything, so go forth, be happy.
  • In a way you've almost come to Smith's defense (despicable as that may be) as you have pretty much proven it is downright hard to compete with the 20 something elites in your 40s. However John Smith and Rich Saeger are not (I assume) swimming full-time as Dara is. What could they do if they quit working and focused on swimming full-time? I don't think they could do what Dara has done, but then again, as talented as they are, they are not Dara Torres. Sure, let's see what the tests have to say and give the test to all of the final 8 swimmers in the finals. Why not? Quite simply because failing a lie-detector test does not prove you used illegal drugs. I think the only proof you used drugs is to find those drugs in your urine or blood.