Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I saw a lot of "hard" questioning of her performance....I may be wrong however I don't recall anyone coming out and say "she's using drugs".....and I for sure don't recall seeing anyone say that those of you who have defended her say should be hung! But I could be wrong..... Check the poll results in the other thread...people said yes she is dirty. As for the lynch mob, send them over. But tell them to pack a lunch.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Check the poll results in the other thread...people said yes she is dirty. As for the lynch mob, send them over. But tell them to pack a lunch. Matt I dunno. I voted Maybe because there is always the possibility. If there had been a probably not option I would have picked that. There might be a number of Maybe's that didn't want to rule out either. I don't think/want to believe that she's cheating, but I'm not totally naive and the possibility remains unless you can supervise 24/7. I take her at her word and actions with the blood storing.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Thinking someone is using drugs is not the same thing as saying they definitely are; it is saying it strikes one as overwhelmingly likely. Some folks need to work on reading comprehension. So in a poll asking if Dara is doping or not, somebody selects yes...what does that mean? Yes means yes last time I checked. It does not mean most likely or possibly, it means yes, or that is correct. Do recall, there was a maybe option to select as well.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Here's another article on the topic, findarticles.com/.../pg_5 ...And here's an interesting quote from that article: "During the post-Olympic Trials period, Thompson and Torres were taking more than two dozen assorted supplements a day. 'I truly believe they helped me this past year...both physically and mentally," says Torres. "My hormones were lower than most females', so supplements helped me raise them in a legal way.'"
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Don't worry, Jim. I only found out about ILFs a couple months ago. :doh: But now Quicksilver will have Geek wondering if he can be a DILF if he adds muscle milk to his cocktail. He's got to keep up with Gull's new guns after all ... I can't help but wonder just how enjoyable a sandwich would really be in this situation. I am guessing not very, but not having tried it I could be wrong.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Just checked the poll results. There were indeed 7 people who voted to say that Dara is in fact dirty. Interestingly enough, Paul's brother was one of them. Stud, nothing wrong with a maybe. Truth be told, nothing wrong with a yes. After all, we are entitled to our own opinions and I can respect that. The problem now is the denial of accusations.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Just checked the poll results. There were indeed 7 people who voted to say that Dara is in fact dirty. Interestingly enough, Paul's brother was one of them. Stud, nothing wrong with a maybe. Truth be told, nothing wrong with a yes. After all, we are entitled to our own opinions and I can respect that. The problem now is the denial of accusations. My interpretation of you saying "people said" I took it to read as majority...as in survey result. That's my bad...but I wasn't rebuking per se.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    A good result must means someone is doping????
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Kinda silly ain't it George.....based on assumptions (Uh Oh, there's that word) She obvioously must be cheating......can't be the fact that she worked for it! Which of course is my belief until proven otherwise!!!
  • Tracy; In case you weren't aware people in the "real" world of sports are almost always tested after a WR as well as on a year around basis. The argument a number of us have been trying to make here....mostly unsuccessfully.....is that the cheaters are far ahead of the testers and given past/current history skepticism is warranted when new benchmarks are achieved as far as time break thrus, age breakthroughs, etc. By the way, if you new me personally you would know I am optimist and I take offense at your accusation of "blasting" Dara....I've only brought up my questions of her peformance nothing personal...which by the way I know her and she's a very nice person as well as an incredible talent. Kirk; sorry buddy by I simply disagree, go back to some of the early postings by Goodsmith, White Buffalo, etc. that make very compelling arguments/comparisons to other athletes/sports.... Quicksilver....yes I was asked to be tested after breaking the WR in the 50 fly at the Australian Masters nationals a couple years ago....for alcohol consumption....in front of 300 swimmers at the awards ceremony...it was a joke....and actually very funny...but hey I'm all for testing even in masters if was offered up. So I've made my observations and had my say....and now moving on to the next controversial thread! :duel: