Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • If testing is already being done....which we know it is....and she has come back negative....which we know she has.....what's the problem? I don't have a problem with people being tested.....I have a problem with people that ass/u/me guilt with no proof to back it up. Like Paul, I'm an optimist. But I can also use logic. Here's the "problem." Theoretically, and solely for purposes of discussion, not accusation, Torres: (1) could use sophisticated chemical enhancements that elude positive tests because cheaters are often ahead of the testers; (2) could have used them during pre-testing retirement to train, build muscle mass, recover and get her body back in shape; or (3) be using legal chemical enhancements in her nutritional supplements that may subsequently be declared illegal. But, as you say, since she is testing negative, she should be given the benefit of the doubt and we all hope she is the real deal. HITLER.
  • Fort I am going to have you tested for linseed oil missuse. I think I read you are on linseed suppliments. I have no idea what linseed oil supplements are. I don't usually take anything .. unless I get sick. I said earlier that my doc did recommend this amino acid thing for sore muscles. I took some and now I'm feeling really hyper. I don't know enough about supplements to use them with confidence. And I'm always worried about side effects like insomnia. I'm already a Draculina. I'm relying on zyrtec D to enhance my performance.
  • Tracy....I used the "real" world as a reference to USS Swimming, Pro Sports, etc....who have to undergo regular testing....unlike "us" folk who live in the world of masters swimming....no personal attack made or in any way directed at you. Also, I wasn't "offended"....that only happens when Geek is involved...I was saying I took offense (not the same thing in my mind) at the comment about "blasting" Dara....something maybe others have done but I don't feel that I have....question her (and many others) performance yes....attack no.
  • TJ and Smith - either get a room or hug it out, either way please stop with the manpologies, it's sickening, although not nearly as horrifying as Valentines Day, 2007, aka the day the forum died.
  • TJ and Smith - either get a room or hug it out, either way please stop with the manpologies, it's sickening, although not nearly as horrifying as Valentines Day, 2007, aka the day the forum died. Why do you keep harping on this? Good point Tracy.
  • Why do you keep harping on this? Are you retarded? Cause I know it annoys you and yes.
  • yes. Binding legal admission. :cool:
  • I still remember that fateful day, almost like it was yesterday. Things will never be the same...never. But you'll always have the topic poll threads if you're feeling nostalgic ... always.
  • I still remember that fateful day, almost like it was yesterday. Things will never be the same...never. Somedays when things are going very well for me I am almost able to forget that dreadful event. They say time heals all wounds. Still, the loss of innocence in a mindless brutal attack leaves wounds that will never truly mend.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I recall reading somewhere that Mr. Smith was asked to provide a urine sample after setting a new world record in the 50 fly (Fina masters). Perhaps his perspective is coming from a different place with respect to the legitimacy of one's performance. In this instance, he's been on the other side of the fence. No one is immune from being questioned. If testing is already being done....which we know it is....and she has come back negative....which we know she has.....what's the problem? I don't have a problem with people being tested.....I have a problem with people that ass/u/me guilt with no proof to back it up.