Critique my strokes?

Hi, Forumites! These are my stokes after 11 weeks off due to COVID-19. Any constructive criticism (aside from going crooked on the second 25 of my backstroke! :blush:) would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  • Hey lady! thought I'd replied to this yesterday, but i must've missed hitting "post". This second video, your left arm looks a lot better. As for your breathing, it does look like you're spending effort turning your head instead of rotating your body/neck together. The breathing is definitely delayed. If you keep your neck and spine on the same "roasting spit", as you reach for with your left hand for a pull, your body should rotate and breathe at the same time. Does that make sense? I'm so envious of you getting pool time. It's going to be ages before I can get in this year, I think. Ugh. Is this any better? (Sorry the video is dark; I need to download a video editor that will lighten videos. Window's video editor won't do that! :bitching:)
  • Re: BR, I'm very hesitant to say anything about your pull since given you phisical problems it looks good. You could glide further during the pullout after the pull down. You start the recovery too soon, slowing down some free speed. On the pull recovery, you are shooting your arms forward at a downward angle, which slows you a little. Overall great given the layoff. I've been working on my arm recovery, and it feels like I'm shooting my arms forward. I am also working on getting a stronger stroke and trying to see if I can get a faster 7 strokes per 25 yards. I wouldn't do this in a 200 race, though. I'm better off starting my 200's at 8 SPL.
  • Backstroke. Focus wasn't quite right, but it looks like you are brining your had out of teh water with the top of your hand. You want to rotate it more so you lead with your thumb, then rotate your wrist 180 degrees so you enter the water with your pinky. How's this?
  • Elaine - on free, there are improvements on the head/body turn, but still some delays. Keep working at it. It may take a while to unlearn/relearn that movement. Hard to tell on your hand placement, but it looks like you've tackled that piece well.
  • On the bk, though a second opinion might be better, I noticed your hips and legs are a little low. My legs do the same thing but I havenâ€Tmt found a solution yet (except just sprinting). Perhaps presiding the “T” can be applied too, upside-down for backstroke. Also, but without UW perspective of the kick I canâ€Tmt really confirm, it appears the ankles could be a little more extended (flexibility). Hopefully someone else could back this up or not.
  • Elaine - on free, there are improvements on the head/body turn, but still some delays. Keep working at it. It may take a while to unlearn/relearn that movement. Hard to tell on your hand placement, but it looks like you've tackled that piece well. On the bk, though a second opinion might be better, I noticed your hips and legs are a little low. My legs do the same thing but I havenâ€Tmt found a solution yet (except just sprinting). Perhaps presiding the “T” can be applied too, upside-down for backstroke. Also, but without UW perspective of the kick I canâ€Tmt really confirm, it appears the ankles could be a little more extended (flexibility). Hopefully someone else could back this up or not. Thanks, Kari and Steve, for your feedback! I appreciate it very much! :agree:
  • Elaine - on free, there are improvements on the head/body turn, but still some delays. I think the exhale still is late. Here's a screen grab, you can see the bubbles clearly as the head is turned to breathe in. On the back, the hand movement looks MUCH better.
  • On the back, thanks! The screen grab doesn't open, but that has been a problem on this platform for awhile. From what I understand, USMS is moving to a new one, so they aren't going to fix any current problems. Back to the subject, though, I will look for delays in my video. My exhale has always felt comfortable and natural for me, even on distance open water swims. Do you think it's affecting the rest of my stroke?
  • I've been working on my arm recovery, and it feels like I'm shooting my arms forward. I am also working on getting a stronger stroke and trying to see if I can get a faster 7 strokes per 25 yards. I wouldn't do this in a 200 race, though. I'm better off starting my 200's at 8 SPL. Pullout much better. Stroke looks much "crisper", you are obviously getting more power. Unfortunately, the hands still are shooting down. By the way that is a problem I consistently have to work on myself. A good drill is to recover with your thumbs pointing up and keep your thumbs at the surface.
  • Pullout much better. Stroke looks much "crisper", you are obviously getting more power. Unfortunately, the hands still are shooting down. By the way that is a problem I consistently have to work on myself. A good drill is to recover with your thumbs pointing up and keep your thumbs at the surface. Thanks, King Frog! I've been really concentrating on the pullout and having that crisper stroke. I have been able to reduce my stroke count by one on each length without losing speed, so I feel good about getting more power in my stroke. As for my recovery, I think about that, too, but I haven't been successful-- yet! I'll get there one of these days! Thanks for always being such a great coach, KF. I really appreciate it! :chug: