Critique my strokes?

Hi, Forumites! These are my stokes after 11 weeks off due to COVID-19. Any constructive criticism (aside from going crooked on the second 25 of my backstroke! :blush:) would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  • Pullout much better. Stroke looks much "crisper", you are obviously getting more power. Unfortunately, the hands still are shooting down. By the way that is a problem I consistently have to work on myself. A good drill is to recover with your thumbs pointing up and keep your thumbs at the surface. Thanks, King Frog! I've been really concentrating on the pullout and having that crisper stroke. I have been able to reduce my stroke count by one on each length without losing speed, so I feel good about getting more power in my stroke. As for my recovery, I think about that, too, but I haven't been successful-- yet! I'll get there one of these days! Thanks for always being such a great coach, KF. I really appreciate it! :chug:
  • Pullout much better. Stroke looks much "crisper", you are obviously getting more power. Unfortunately, the hands still are shooting down. By the way that is a problem I consistently have to work on myself. A good drill is to recover with your thumbs pointing up and keep your thumbs at the surface. Thanks, King Frog! I've been really concentrating on the pullout and having that crisper stroke. I have been able to reduce my stroke count by one on each length without losing speed, so I feel good about getting more power in my stroke. As for my recovery, I think about that, too, but I haven't been successful-- yet! I'll get there one of these days! Thanks for always being such a great coach, KF. I really appreciate it! :chug:
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