Critique my strokes?

Hi, Forumites! These are my stokes after 11 weeks off due to COVID-19. Any constructive criticism (aside from going crooked on the second 25 of my backstroke! :blush:) would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  • Elaine - on free, there are improvements on the head/body turn, but still some delays. Keep working at it. It may take a while to unlearn/relearn that movement. Hard to tell on your hand placement, but it looks like you've tackled that piece well. On the bk, though a second opinion might be better, I noticed your hips and legs are a little low. My legs do the same thing but I havenâ€Tmt found a solution yet (except just sprinting). Perhaps presiding the “T” can be applied too, upside-down for backstroke. Also, but without UW perspective of the kick I canâ€Tmt really confirm, it appears the ankles could be a little more extended (flexibility). Hopefully someone else could back this up or not. Thanks, Kari and Steve, for your feedback! I appreciate it very much! :agree:
  • Elaine - on free, there are improvements on the head/body turn, but still some delays. Keep working at it. It may take a while to unlearn/relearn that movement. Hard to tell on your hand placement, but it looks like you've tackled that piece well. On the bk, though a second opinion might be better, I noticed your hips and legs are a little low. My legs do the same thing but I havenâ€Tmt found a solution yet (except just sprinting). Perhaps presiding the “T” can be applied too, upside-down for backstroke. Also, but without UW perspective of the kick I canâ€Tmt really confirm, it appears the ankles could be a little more extended (flexibility). Hopefully someone else could back this up or not. Thanks, Kari and Steve, for your feedback! I appreciate it very much! :agree:
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