Critique my strokes?

Hi, Forumites! These are my stokes after 11 weeks off due to COVID-19. Any constructive criticism (aside from going crooked on the second 25 of my backstroke! :blush:) would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  • Hey lady! thought I'd replied to this yesterday, but i must've missed hitting "post". This second video, your left arm looks a lot better. As for your breathing, it does look like you're spending effort turning your head instead of rotating your body/neck together. The breathing is definitely delayed. If you keep your neck and spine on the same "roasting spit", as you reach for with your left hand for a pull, your body should rotate and breathe at the same time. Does that make sense? I'm so envious of you getting pool time. It's going to be ages before I can get in this year, I think. Ugh. Is this any better? (Sorry the video is dark; I need to download a video editor that will lighten videos. Window's video editor won't do that! :bitching:)
  • Hey lady! thought I'd replied to this yesterday, but i must've missed hitting "post". This second video, your left arm looks a lot better. As for your breathing, it does look like you're spending effort turning your head instead of rotating your body/neck together. The breathing is definitely delayed. If you keep your neck and spine on the same "roasting spit", as you reach for with your left hand for a pull, your body should rotate and breathe at the same time. Does that make sense? I'm so envious of you getting pool time. It's going to be ages before I can get in this year, I think. Ugh. Is this any better? (Sorry the video is dark; I need to download a video editor that will lighten videos. Window's video editor won't do that! :bitching:)
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