pull buoy ~ tricks to adjust

Former Member
Former Member
The pull buoy sometimes comes out of adjustment on turns. What do you focus on to keep the pull buoy in alignment through turns? If it comes out of alignment, how do you get it back in position with the least disruption to your swim? I'm using the Finis Sr and it has a good fit.
  • I usually get a good push past the flags, and that's when the pull buoy sometimes slips, during the change of direction and push off with my legs. Twice the past month it's come completely out and bobbed to the surface. I think my legs are staying together but maybe not and I'll pay more attention to this. Thanks. Any ideas for getting it back in place when it's slightly out of position, without losing too much momentum? I haven't used a pull buoy in awhile, but ISTR that it would sometimes slip on the material of my jammer (typically Speedo Endurance or TYR's equivalent), just as @Water Rat indicated. I suspect YMMV with suit material. I (used to) do as @ForceDJ wrote, carry it as high up as possible. If I notice it start to slip, just reach down at the next turn, reach down and jam it back in place.
  • yes to all of the above advice, plus I'd like to add that I had a lot of issues with mine also. Two things helped. I stopped lotioning up my legs above my knees when I knew I'd have practice the next day. And the other thing I did was rough up the surface of the buoy where it touches the legs. I just did this by using my fingernails and a fork to scratch it up just a bit. It seems to have helped in keeping it in place a bit more.
  • This may sound implausible, but I've sometimes had some success re-gripping the buoy during my flip turns. I'm able to release pressure on the buoy (if its moved down my thigh) when my legs are coming over my head and re-grip the buoy as it slides towards my crotch. I'm not 100% sure of the timing in the turn, I think I turn a little slower to do this and it doesn't always work - it can get worse or pop out.
  • What exactly do you mean by "out of adjustment"? There are some pull buoys that are two pieces of foam held together by an adjustable strap and you can make the pieces of foam closer or farther apart. BUT, the one that you posted is a single piece of foam and not adjustable. That is the style that is available at my pool and I use. Otherwise, the only thing I can imagine you mean by 'adjustment' is where exactly you keep it between your legs. Personally, I keep it crammed up as far into my crotch as I can and it never really slips out. So I can only think that you're not keeping your legs together and you might be allowing them to spread out...and that lets the buoy slip out of place. If that's the case, you need to consentrate on keeping your legs together. Dan
  • I notice when I wear a brief, it's much easier to hold the buoy in place. when I wear a jammer it often slips down towards my knees. I assume it's the skin-to-buoy contact that makes the difference somehow. It's annoying but I don't know any way to adjust the buoy without stoppingMe, too. I don't use a buoy often, but if I plan a workout where I'm going to pull, I will wear a brief or at most a square leg suit. Everytime I wear jammers, I lose the buoy. Embrace the brief!
  • I notice when I wear a brief, it's much easier to hold the buoy in place. when I wear a jammer it often slips down towards my knees. I assume it's the skin-to-buoy contact that makes the difference somehow. It's annoying but I don't know any way to adjust the buoy without stopping
  • I've always found it slips a little in the bend and flip part of the turn. Years and years of swimming as a kid instilled an automatic reflex to reach down with one hand and re-seat it just as my feet are touching the wall on every turn. If I do that, it seems to stay in place for me on the push off. When I came back to swimming after a 27 year layoff, I picked this habit up again without really thinking about out.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    I usually get a good push past the flags, and that's when the pull buoy sometimes slips, during the change of direction and push off with my legs. Twice the past month it's come completely out and bobbed to the surface. I think my legs are staying together but maybe not and I'll pay more attention to this. Thanks. Any ideas for getting it back in place when it's slightly out of position, without losing too much momentum?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    What @Sojerz said, actually: I cannot fully describe the trick, as it's something I seem to have acquired in decades of swimming. But I usually get the slipping-down BadBoy into its reserved top-most position during the turn. I think it's exactly like @Sojerz describes: Release slightly when upside down during the turn and immediately re-grip. I also seem to remember that I will slow down the flip turn just so slightly to lengthen the slip-down time. The one thing I do know on top: If the pull buoy slips down too much on the lane, then this trick doesn't work anymore. There just doesn't seem to be enough time, if the distance between current position and desired target is too great. Only a manual adjustment by hand helps me in this case. Same if the pull buoy slips out towards the surface by too much and the grip isn't centered anymore. Releasing it on a turn then just makes it pop out. I might experiment a bit further and more consciously in my next workouts and report back.
  • Adults don't practice in jammers. Those are for eight year olds. :)