Snorkel use

Our coach doesn't give specific times or workouts to use the snorkel. I love mine but I'm not sure when it's the best time to use it? I have been using it at the end in the pull sets but can it be effectively used in main cardio focused sets?
  • Yes, I use mine during main sets all the time. I'd say any time you aren't really cranking it is a good time to use a snorkel. Kirk, can you tell me some good things to focus on when wearing a snorkel? Evenness in my stroke and rotation? Entry and catch?
  • Kirk, can you tell me some good things to focus on when wearing a snorkel? Evenness in my stroke and rotation? Entry and catch? Nowadays I use mine primarily to even out my stroke. I like to always breathe to the right and that introduces some asymmetry I'd like to eliminate. That's really all I'm concerned about when I use a snorkel. I'm at the point now where it does not slow me down at a normal aerobic pace.
  • I did a triathlon 2 weeks ago and there was guy in my wave racing with a snorkel. :nono: I just use mine to swim down with, focusing on good technique.
  • Nowadays I use mine primarily to even out my stroke. I like to always breathe to the right and that introduces some asymmetry I'd like to eliminate. That's really all I'm concerned about when I use a snorkel. I'm at the point now where it does not slow me down at a normal aerobic pace. Thanks Kirk. I was wondering if I should use it for the same purpose. I always breathe left and I can feel the asymmetry and have been working on it. I "won" a snorkel at Lake Del Valle this year. They were giving away prizes to random people and they gave me a FINIS swim snorkel like this one: I've not yet used it, primarily because I was unsure about its purpose, but I was excited to try it when I got it in June :) And thanks for the feedback Kurt, about using yours to swim down.
  • Use of snorkel on occasional basis cannot be as effective as it should be. Its use must be planned, just like you plan what drills you perform in the water and for how long . You must discuss it with your coach and arrange some specific schedule for its use. Okay but I don't have that kind of I wondered when is best, when does your coach use it, for example.
  • can it be effectively used in main cardio focused sets? Yes, I use mine during main sets all the time. I'd say any time you aren't really cranking it is a good time to use a snorkel.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Use of snorkel on occasional basis cannot be as effective as it should be. Its use must be planned, just like you plan what drills you perform in the water and for how long . You must discuss it with your coach and arrange some specific schedule for its use.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Okay but I don't have that kind of I wondered when is best, when does your coach use it, for example. There is no decisive solution on when is best. You must have a training program. Snorkel mostly shall help you to improve your aerobic capacity, so based on that goal you must have some sets and for an example if you swim free with the snorkel you can use it in those days when you don't swim a lot of freestyle. Usually coaches here allow its use for not more that 15-20 and mostly in the second half of your training session. Hope this helps!
  • I see to many people using it at low speed, doing drills, warming up/down, etc. and missing out on the conditioning effect you can get by using in speed work. Good point, Paul. There is one major negative to snorkel use and it's that you can't see the clock (unless you've got a Pace Pal).
  • I've not yet used it, primarily because I was unsure about its purpose, but I was excited to try it when I got it in June :) Give it a try sometime in warmup or something relaxed because there is definitely a learning curve. I can pretty much guarantee you'll be convinced you're going to drown the first time you try it!