Losing weight

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Former Member
Can someone help me in recommending workout to lose weight specially the belly fat Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • This is a great article by nutritionist Lauren Trocchio on how you can help make swimming a weight-loss activity: www.swimspire.com/.../ Hope it's helpful!
  • My question. Here , do I have to take days off every week , because I swim 7 days a week for 70 minutes each day ! Is that healthy and correct ? Also I got a workout from the Internet which I work on , although the it s very difficult for me , but how can I know that this work out is good for me , " pls consider that it's not easy here to find a professional trainer " , for example I read that I have to reduce the workout through the week then go heavily again , honestly don t know what to do I swim with an organized masters swim team and we swim 6 mornings a week. We take one day off each week. A lot of masters programs in the US will do one workout Monday, Wednesday, Friday while other larger teams offer daily workouts at a variety of times. I would recommend starting out with a number that works for you and adding as you improve your aerobic capacity. The advantage of working with a coach and team is the motivation factor; it can be hard when you are tired doing it on your own. That said I know a lot of great swimmers who do there own thing. pwb who posts on these forums quite frequently swims on his own. A number of coaches and swimmers post workouts and there is a section on this site that has great workouts: forums.usms.org/forumdisplay.php pwb posts weekly IM oriented workouts and does a terrific job. If your goal is to loose weight the main thing right now is to build your aerobic capacity so just getting in regularly and swimming will help enormously and many of the workouts above will be great. Good luck.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Thanks habu and swimspire Stewart , your post is amazing , some of your statements made me remember myself when I wake up at 5 am . My question. Here , do I have to take days off every week , because I swim 7 days a week for 70 minutes each day ! Is that healthy and correct ? Also I got a workout from the Internet which I work on , although the it s very difficult for me , but how can I know that this work out is good for me , " pls consider that it's not easy here to find a professional trainer " , for example I read that I have to reduce the workout through the week then go heavily again , honestly don t know what to do Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • As far as swimming goes, just get in and swim. It won't target specifically the belly fat (as far as I know, there isn't a single workout that specifically targets belly fat), but it's a great way to lose weight and overall fat. I lost ~37 pounds solely due to swimming and better diet from October 2011 to April 2012. Just get in and swim!
  • I too used swimming as a means to drop weight and get healthy. I have been back in the pool about 2 1/2 years now and I am having a blast. I have a few posts on what I did if it helps: forums.usms.org/blog.php I have heard the hardest part to weight loss is making changes to your life stick. Making the weight loss permanent required building new habits and sticking to them. When I got back in and dropped my weight I lived and died by my new habits. I dropped about 50lbs in a pretty short time through diet and exercise. I know a number of people have commented that loosing weight is not the hardest part, but rather sticking to the program and maintaining the healthy lifestyle. In my case I religiously stick to my habits. For example I am still not drinking alcohol and don't eat any deserts. I still take my vitamins everyday at the same time and train every day. For me my habits are my life and they are now second nature. Good luck.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Simplified weight loss at 1lb a week: Calories_out - Calories_in = 500 Easy way to lose weight in swimming: 1) Swim at least 40 minutes each time you swim. Bring your heartrate and intensity up for an extended period of time(at least 20-30 min) up to but not surpassing your aerobic/anaerobic threshold. 2) Cut 500 unneeded calories from your diet every day. Do this however you will stick to it, but do not undereat. At my lowest I lost 70lbs this way over a 3 year period. Since then I've gained a little back but still have been holding consistently 45-50lbs lighter. (soda and donuts aren't friendly). I like the "myfitnesspal" app to track my calories. It takes your current weight and tells you how many calories you need for the day to maintain your weight. Take that number and subtract 500. That is your daily goal. Make sure you put your exercise in there as well, because on those days you'll need more calories consumed to counteract what you burned in the pool. Don't try to cut too many calories out. 500 is a nice number. These two steps... commit to doing them for the long term... not just 6 weeks. Spend years with this plan and it will serve you better than any crash diet or gimmick. Remember it took you more than a few weeks to add the weight.
  • Simplified weight loss at 1lb a week: Calories_out - Calories_in = 500 I believe you meant to say 1lb a week represents ~3500 calories which equates to a reduction of 500 calories each day will result in a 1 lb weight loss each week. I I too loved myfitnesspal and its a great way of motivating yourself. Nothing like seeing numbers to tell you if your doing the right things. I particularly loved the tracking over time represented as graph; I found this very motivating. Great advice fmracing.
  • Swimming can be a good part of a weight loss program, but your success will hinge mostly on your diet. I dropped 60 lbs in 10 months by changing my eating habits and regularly exercising. I used a diet program called "21 Day Fix" and a combination of cycling and swimming. I blog about it here: 210dayfix.wordpress.com/.../
  • "Good training can not overcome bad eating habits" I need to duct tape my mouth closed!!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Gary, That is just a great weight-loss / exercise blog! Very well done! 2:08 for the 200 and 5:54 for the 500 are just fantastic times! Congrats!