Allergies and swimming

I've been having some bad allergy days that have kept me indoors and out of the pool and wanting nothing more than a nap. Do you find that swimming helps alleviate allergies? Please say yes.:bed:
  • renie, I'm sorry to hear you're having such a tough time. I swim indoors, so I wonder if that makes a difference. My eyes hurt and my nose is itchy, I'm sneezing like crazy. But I hate being out of practice. I'm supposed to be at a class building to a 5k tonight, but she makes us run mostly outdoors so I'm thinking I may have to skip this week. Perhaps it's more of a yoga week. I hope you get back into the pool soon. The longer I'm out, the harder it is to get back into it aerobically for more than a lap or two, and I get anxious about going back if I don't swim regularly.
  • In my worst allergy seasons, swimming (even outside) is a relief. However, as soon as I get out of the pool, I'd better get inside.
  • I'll try to get to the pool this week and see if it helps. Usually, it's warm and humid in the pool area, and they keep it pretty clean. renie, I think the pool at my rec center isn't over chlorinated, but they may have increased it during the summer because of all the kids and the camps.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    I've been having some bad allergy days that have kept me indoors and out of the pool and wanting nothing more than a nap. Do you find that swimming helps alleviate allergies? Please say yes.:bed: Denise, I wish I can say yes. I haven't been swimming in 9 days! I'm losing it. Never had a summer cold before. Be careful. I just watched The Doctors and summer colds are worse than winter colds, lasting longer, and are often mistaken for allergies. You're smart staying out of the pool, I swam 10 miles the week I felt my allergies misbehaving. It's been really bad this last week. My skin is pinching and itching and I just can't get rid of this cold/sinus infection. I even wear noseclips, use the neti pot, drink tons of water and use Nasonex. Go figure. I'm going to try swimming indoors in our salt water pool and hope tomorrow I don't have a relapse. I wouldn't dare swim outside yet. It's very hot, humid and allergies are high.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    renie, I'm sorry to hear you're having such a tough time. I swim indoors, so I wonder if that makes a difference. My eyes hurt and my nose is itchy, I'm sneezing like crazy. But I hate being out of practice. I'm supposed to be at a class building to a 5k tonight, but she makes us run mostly outdoors so I'm thinking I may have to skip this week. Perhaps it's more of a yoga week. I hope you get back into the pool soon. The longer I'm out, the harder it is to get back into it aerobically for more than a lap or two, and I get anxious about going back if I don't swim regularly. Denise, thanks. My eyes were burning and I was sneezing a lot in the beginning. I thought it was allergies. I woudl think that swimming in an enclosed area might be worse, but then again, you don't have pollen/winds/mold to deal with outside. This is the first time I've ever gotten sick when swimming outside. Like I said in another post, maybe the new pool I joined isn't being kept up to healthy standards. It's also overloaded with chlorine and I've been swimming in salt water pools for the least year. Is your indoor pool salt or chlorine? If you think it's just allergies, I'd definitely swim, but since I have other issues (deviated septum, inner ear problems), I tend to go right into a sinus infection which can last for weeks.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    I'll try to get to the pool this week and see if it helps. Usually, it's warm and humid in the pool area, and they keep it pretty clean. renie, I think the pool at my rec center isn't over chlorinated, but they may have increased it during the summer because of all the kids and the camps. Hey Denise, did you swim this week? Today was my first day back in the water in 14 days! It felt sooooooo good. I felt a little off on the freestyle, but overall, I had a great swim. Now, however, I'm feeling pretty clogged up. I hope I don't end up regretting today. :)
  • Nope, have not gotten to the pool since a week ago Friday. I'm going tomorrow and hope it's not crowded in the morning. I'd planned to go yesterday. My dog had a stroke sometime during the night, so we spent the day at the vet. It was crazy. He'll be fine, but I've been sick with worry over this little guy since mid-June, which I think is the last time I had a decent swim. Sometime after I get out of the pool I feel a little clogged, and then it goes away. If it doesn't, get some saline spray at the drugstore. The allergies have been really severe this season, and even folks who don't have them have suffered, so I suspect it isn't the pool so much as just whatever is out there.
  • Finally got to the pool. Why didn't I remind myself never to go on Sunday afternoon? But aside from idiots cutting under the ropes in front of me while in the midst of my laps and general bs rudeness, I had a pretty good time and am not suffering from allergies at the moment.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Denise, I went outdoors on Sunday as well. Had a mild confrontation with an idiot. Two lanes are open for adults. One man is in lane 2, I'm in Lane 1. Two guys come in looking very tri-athlete like. One gets in my lane (never saying anything, just got in), the other guy stands on deck and he and guy in Lane 2 are blabbing away for 15 minutes. Next thing, 2d tri-athlete guy gets in my lane so now there's 3 in my lane and 1 in lane 2, but they're still blabbing away. So I ask the new guy what his plan is, and he says "to swim." I said "Circle"? he says, "whatever." He didn't seem to know what I meant. Long story short, I told him with 3 in a lane we'd need to circle. He moves over to Lane 2 where they proceed to "hang" in the deep end babbling for a good half hour. I HATE THAT!!!! Oh, and btw, he apparently cannot swim. :argue: