Women's Locker Room

Here's a thread for the ladies to discuss anything that relates to women and swimming. For example, feel free to discuss how disgustingly ugly fastskins are, how the "curse" can kill a meet, how suits don't fit, how swimming wrecks your hair, how hormones unhinge you, etc.
  • Horny Goat Weed a.k.a Fairy Wings I guess it can go into the men's or the women's - equal opportunity.:laugh2: Berberidaceae: Epimedium. Uses: aphrodisiac. Latin for diver: Urinatrix. That's actually the species appellation, as in Pelecanoides urinatrix. Maybe the noun is urinator. Yes! From the Latin urinari, to plunge under water. Swimmer: natator. Here's a cool list of related words: www.wordinfo.info/.../1372 Circumnatant, swimming around: what I do. Contranatant, against the current: backstroke? But what happened to mare, the sea?
  • the scream of terror you just heard echoing across the country was from my knees as I contemplated such a thing... I don't think those are bad moves at all. Certainly they will get you stronger overall. But make sure someone who really knows what they're doing teaches you how to do them. For someone with your shoulder and recent facet joint issues, I don't know if this is a great idea for you, Fort. Maybe ask your beloved ART or chiro about it? I'm not sure what's worse, shoulder problems or knee problems. Probably knee. If you have a knee problem and then hurt your shoulder, you're screwed. My back seems to be fine after the shots to the back. However, driving 20 hours in a weekend does not agree. But, on the whole, it's vastly better. I think I'll be OK deadlifting with light weight (I did 50 pounds) today, but some of the other stuff on the "get strong and hulkish" thread makes me want to run screaming too. I'd rather keep doing superman streamlines on the yoga ball or bosu. Just think, Feisty, you don't have to do any of those for awhile! :)
  • Any women out there doing "olympic style dead lifts" and "clean and jerks" as part of your weight lifting?
  • whole foods also sells a suppliment called horny goat weed Thanks! Very accurate description! Only one out of three is a swimmer, and its seriously cramping her social life. Oldest is a runner. Youngest swims with her summer league, but is doing the sports circuit. Don't think she's going to be a USS swimmer though. I just care that they're happy and active. So, I was shopping in Whole Foods today. Ran across a supplement called "Aunt Flow" with "happy balance" pills. Had a laugh. Love the suit, Kristina! I'm very put out with my Pros lately. My too big suit nonetheless busted another hole, this time in the knee area, at Nats.
  • Actually, it is awesome. Pretty much everyone I know who has tried refuses to go back to anything else.
  • I'd rather keep doing superman streamlines on the yoga ball or bosu. Just think, Feisty, you don't have to do any of those for awhile! :) Ah, but that is my signature move! Too bad there isn't a competition in that! :) Vertical pushups against the wall will also strengthen your core and shoulder stabilizers, too. Just adjust the distance your feet are from the wall to where you feel your shoulders are 'safe'. Closer is a lot easier on the shoulders. And wayyyyyy easier than doing pushups on a floor or *gasp* a Bosu.
  • Actually, it is awesome. Pretty much everyone I know who has tried refuses to go back to anything else. Really? Hmm .... The word "reusable" kind of grossed me out too. Great avatar, Carrie!! On another topic, I've now read in several places how Dara Torres' pregnancy made her more flexible, hormones loosening the tendons, etc. This seemed like bunk to me at first, but I was chatting with my shoulder doc today. He agreed that my hyper-mobility MIGHT have been increased with 3 pregnancies and that the tendons might not re-tighten. Hyper-mobility is apparently good in youth, not so good when you're older :oldman: because it makes you injury prone. Anyone noticed any change after pregnancies?
  • I noticed no changes in me when my wife was pregnant
  • My 'good' knee definitely got worse during/after my first pregnancy... though I don't know if that was due to loosening joints or just the added weight (wouldn't bet against the weight). I'm gonna try and use that relaxin to my benefit this time and work on stretching my feet/ankles. Perhaps one day I will achieve a toe-point and a reasonable flutter kick! :D Don't know about shoulders getting loosier-goosier, but I don't see how the old "Sleep on your left side" rule can possibly be good for your left shoulder! Stupid rule.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    THIS should clear the men right out of the locker room... I just saw it advertised in the latest "Outside" magazine. http://www.divacup.com/ Can I be the first to say "Eeeww"?