Women's Locker Room

Here's a thread for the ladies to discuss anything that relates to women and swimming. For example, feel free to discuss how disgustingly ugly fastskins are, how the "curse" can kill a meet, how suits don't fit, how swimming wrecks your hair, how hormones unhinge you, etc.
  • Actually, what will get really, really wierd for you is when you too, get in sync. You'll find yourself getting edgy :bitching:, face breaking out :eek:, getting emotional :cry: over stuff that you never payed any attention to in the past. You're gonna have a great time. :help: Me? I'm already there, dude, me and the Mini-Fort. Yeah, it's a blast. Except my face thankfully never breaks out anymore. lol Oh, you're talking about Geeky, aren't you? I want to see an avatar with the sympathetic zits!
  • Me? I'm already there, dude, me and the Mini-Fort. Yeah, it's a blast. Except my face thankfully never breaks out anymore. lol Oh, you're talking about Geeky, aren't you? I want to see an avatar with the sympathetic zits! Yes, I was speaking to Geek. I was looking for sympathetic zits and had to settle for the eek as in G-eek. :D
  • I'm really not going to be part of that aspect of child rearing. You can be thousands of miles away from the others you're in sync with, when, all of a sudden, seemingly out of the blue, they will strike. :bitching: :eek: :cry: Plan accordingly.
  • I just had the worst thought. Imagine the potent combination of PMS and taper bitchies! I better warn the poor fam ...
  • Aunt Flow. Come on, guys, don't you have wives to tell you this kind of thing? :) In our house it's just "Flo". My wife was a volleyball player, so the other half of the dual reference is to Flo Hyman. (I was thinking "Abercrombie & Fitch" since we were talking about pink bras or something. I really had no clue. We only had boys.) Skip
  • I can't believe I'm discussing this topic but at least you can't see my beet red face. I still get zits like a 13 year old, it's a lovely thing to have at 40. For all you who have Flo do the visit, here's an acronym that keeps her away for 5 YEARS - IUD.
  • I'll have the taper bitchies and AF at the same time ... all should be well in Austin, though.
  • Tampax and IUDs in the National goody bags, I say!!! And don't forget the samplers of Baileys!
  • Fort, you throw up an AF comment on this thread and suddenly there's more men posting faster and more furious than before! :) BTW, I had NO idea what the term AF was until learning of it from this forum... my, how my knowledge has expanded...
  • Fort, you throw up an AF comment on this thread and suddenly there's more men posting faster and more furious than before! :) BTW, I had NO idea what the term AF was until learning of it from this forum... my, how my knowledge has expanded... I had no idea either ... until a certain guy explained it. lol Samplers of Baileys?! Ew. I want a raw steak and a beer. :laugh2: