Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • You know, I never understood Angel's excuse of the birth control pill. Was she saying that she was on that and that it read as a false positive? Yes, that was her excuse. I do think it was the only one she could come up with. I swam at Trials in 88 and saw her in person. I will never forget the size of her arms. :shakeshead:
  • You know, I never understood Angel's excuse of the birth control pill. Was she saying that she was on that and that it read as a false positive? When I look on USA swimming's site, the major birth control pills are listed as legal. Strange. Was she just looking for an excuse? I assume quite a few female swimmers are on it and I've never known it to create false test results (meaning doping results - I had several friend get pregnant while on the pill!) Too many women are on the pill for reasons other than getting pregnant. And, you never know how you will react when you get off it. But, I'm guessing here that it was the only excuse she could come up with. . . For me, when I went off it, I got extremely fatigued to the point of crashing and this was a few months after going off it. My swimming was :cane::drown: for a while. Now, it's better. That excuse was a load of crap. But, then, everyone who tests positive has some excuse.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    "All 3 of my children (14,12,8) swim competitively now. I have taught them that supplements and drugs beyond mere vitamins and protein powder are flat out cheating. I am confident they will not act foolishly in their future swimming career. I can not say that about a growing percentage of young swimmers who begin with lessor items as Creatine in highschool and expand from there in college and beyond." Dear Mr Goodsmith, I find it interesting reading your above quote. I over heard you telling your 14 year old at a meet 12 days ago, "take two sips of coffee before your race." I know that is not cheating, but isn't baby steps toward other enhancing drugs? I recall the reply of your child, "I don't want to. I want to do it on my own." It is remarkable your children can decifer your 'good' and 'evil' advice. Comparing other sports to swimming such as cycling and baseball is ridiculous. One of the may reasons for doping in the tour de france or alleged Barry Bonds doping is the money. There is a lot of money thrown at those athletes to win and break records. What type of compensation does a swimmer get for winning Nationals? Swimmingly yours, Evan
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I for one, REALLY admire bodies like that! Sorry, she has always looked like Skeletor to me.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    "All 3 of my children (14,12,8) swim competitively now. I have taught them that supplements and drugs beyond mere vitamins and protein powder are flat out cheating. I am confident they will not act foolishly in their future swimming career. I can not say that about a growing percentage of young swimmers who begin with lessor items as Creatine in highschool and expand from there in college and beyond." Dear Mr Goodsmith, I find it interesting reading your above quote. I over heard you telling your 14 year old at a meet 12 days ago, "take two sips of coffee before your race." I know that is not cheating, but isn't baby steps toward other enhancing drugs? I recall the reply of your child, "I don't want to. I want to do it on my own." It is remarkable your children can decifer your 'good' and 'evil' advice. Swimmingly yours, Evan Is this for real? :confused:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Dan, Anyone who cheats is going to claim they are clean and challenge anyone to refute them. I'm all for taking blood and freezing it for future testing..... but by then that person will probably be retired and have little impact on their career when they are out of the sport. Saying that you will have your samples frozen is merely a challenge to those who doubt. Heck, lets take all the winner's samples and freeze them. I'm for it. I don't see many people taking them up on it. Skip, You're medal counting and need to be careful as we are discussing "owning" an individual event........... not a relay. Owning an event like Tracy, Mary T. or Janet means setting a World record and going undefeated for long periods both at US nationals and World events. Dara has never established this. Dara is a spectacular sprinter, but she is not on the same level as these women. I'm sorry..... my wife trained with Mary T., I trained a summer in Gainesville and saw Tracy workout. These women were incredible in their events and dominated the field in their events every time they hit the water for years on end. For you to compare Dara's winning performances on an equal level to Phelps is truly absurd. John Smith
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    This is ridiculous! Get a grip, tattletale. :lmao:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Cripe! To pull a blue muppet, DISCLAIMER: I am by no means an authority on this subject, and I know a lot of women use these for regulatory purposes too, but were I to be a female with a shot at the olympics, any pre-games :banana: hubba:kiss1: hubba:banana: would be out the window. I'd want no chance at taking that risk. No forbidden dance & no pills, or no olympics. I'd take the former. That's just me. (i'll probably be sorry for barging in on this feminine topic later) You know, I never understood Angel's excuse of the birth control pill. Was she saying that she was on that and that it read as a false positive? When I look on USA swimming's site, the major birth control pills are listed as legal. Strange. Was she just looking for an excuse? I assume quite a few female swimmers are on it and I've never known it to create false test results (meaning doping results - I had several friend get pregnant while on the pill!) Too many women are on the pill for reasons other than getting pregnant. And, you never know how you will react when you get off it. But, I'm guessing here that it was the only excuse she could come up with. . . For me, when I went off it, I got extremely fatigued to the point of crashing and this was a few months after going off it. My swimming was :cane::drown: for a while. Now, it's better.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    (i'll probably be sorry for barging in on this feminine topic later) (you'll learn...fools rush in)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    That excuse was a load of crap. But, then, everyone who tests positive has some excuse. Okay. Was over-thinking things. My gut said the excuse was BS. She's from GA so I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. Sigh. I'm assuming one can't coast on the aftermath of the juice for years and years. . . :shakeshead: