Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • I remember commenting about her stellar bod to one of the age group coaches who promptly responded, "Ewwwww. . . She's too big - HUGE!" 'Course, what was really ironic was that he was about 300 pounds and very out of shape. This is so often the response of the non-swimming male athlete or non-athlete. :shakeshead: Hofffam rocks!! :groovy:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Well we all get "there" in the end K, it's why our eyes get worse with age too...to protect us...too bad for you suckers who did lasik..you're gonna get to see it all; warts and all! LOL I emailed my hubby to say that I will be looking like this soon. . . I know I have big guns but. . . isn't there a chance I'll look more like the little ole lady? :shakeshead:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    For those that think Ms. Torres was unusually ripped looking in that starting block photo - have you ever seen Inge de Bruijn in similar situations? Inky is equally fit looking. As for Dara's new US record and huge margin of victory over the field....Dara's still four tenths off Inky's record from 2000. And why are the rest of the girls so damn slow that Dara beats them by seven tenths? So maybe another mystery is why the USA's women were so slow in the 50. We know Natalie wasn't there but she was soundly beaten at worlds in the 50. Did Dara have a special mojo to psyche them all out?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Dan, I agree, her body is now looking similar to Inky's body. Didn't Amy Van Dyken accuse Inky of being more male than female...... :-) Then.... again..... didn't Amy get called into the Balco trial at one point too? John Smith
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Yes, Amy testified to the BALCO grand jury.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    For those that think Ms. Torres was unusually ripped looking in that starting block photo - have you ever seen Inge de Bruijn in similar situations? Inky is equally fit looking. As for Dara's new US record and huge margin of victory over the field....Dara's still four tenths off Inky's record from 2000. And why are the rest of the girls so damn slow that Dara beats them by seven tenths? So maybe another mystery is why the USA's women were so slow in the 50. We know Natalie wasn't there but she was soundly beaten at worlds in the 50. Did Dara have a special mojo to psyche them all out? Here's Inge. EDIT: Link didn't work, just a moment, looking for a picture I remember specifically. www.geocities.com/.../pics2000.html 3rd row, second from the left.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I for one, REALLY admire bodies like that!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Here's Inge. EDIT: Link didn't work, just a moment, looking for a picture I remember specifically. www.geocities.com/.../pics2000.html 3rd row, second from the left. Can't access your link. However, I've always loved DeBruijn's body type (at least from what I've seen online. Hopefully, there's not any photoshop going on). I remember commenting about her stellar bod to one of the age group coaches who promptly responded, "Ewwwww. . . She's too big - HUGE!" 'Course, what was really ironic was that he was about 300 pounds and very out of shape.
  • Speaking of Phelps, he was on the Today show this morning sporting a bit of a 'fro. Maybe he's stashing some of Torres' alleged dope in that nest he has going.
  • Dear Mr Goodsmith, I find it interesting reading your above quote. I over heard you telling your 14 year old at a meet 12 days ago, "take two sips of coffee before your race." I know that is not cheating, but isn't baby steps toward other enhancing drugs? I recall the reply of your child, "I don't want to. I want to do it on my own." It is remarkable your children can decifer your 'good' and 'evil' advice. Comparing other sports to swimming such as cycling and baseball is ridiculous. One of the may reasons for doping in the tour de france or alleged Barry Bonds doping is the money. There is a lot of money thrown at those athletes to win and break records. What type of compensation does a swimmer get for winning Nationals? Swimmingly yours, Evan This is ridiculous! So what? I see parents shoving gatorade, sugar loaded coke, chocolate, energy bars, red bull, gu gels and pasta dinners at their kids all the time. Two sips of caffeine is hardly a step on the road to illegal supplements! Get a grip, tattletale. Many 14 years olds drink caffeinated soda or energy drinks all the time. As for the money point, we long ago moved on to attributing cheating in swimming to ego ... Read the posts.