Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Thus far, in this thread, no one has yet to name a single athlete that has done or is doing what she is either doing or may be about to do, not a single one. Maybe she is the 1 out of 4 billion or so who can do it and be the first ever and more power to her. As she continues her incredible odyssey in the next year, don't come back all disenchanted when she says she uses "alternative, ground breaking training methods." That's your code word should you hear it. This is correct. She would be the only one. To get back to basics. As to unique training methods, I'm not sure what I think about that. Sprinters can/do train much differently. But the "less is more" motto seems to be an overstatement. She's doing a lot of strength and core training and high quality sprint work. That's great. But, still, everyone else is, to quote Phelps from the other night, putting in "hard work" in the pool. She's certainly working hard ... what's with the 2 hours of stretching per day? Not sure if I believe that's the source of the fountain of youth ... although I think she has stressed that she believes it makes a huge difference.
  • Geek, how many have really tried? Um, every single one I mentioned. Do you live under a sport's rock?
  • while Saeger is a great swimmer, I agree that comparing him to Dara isn't accurate Dara went 54.4 in the 100 LCM free the womens world record is 53.30 for a man to do what Dara has done, he would need to be 40 and swim the 100 LCM free around 48.8 Rich went 53, which is a far cry from 48.8 In the coming years, the first man who might be capable of such a feat is Neil Walker. Since he is one of the older Olympic level athletes who is still training hard. There aren't very many athletes who could retire for 4, 5, or 6 years then make the kind of remarkable comeback that Dara made. I don't know if Neil plans on retiring after 2008. A
  • Um, every single one I mentioned. Do you live under a sport's rock? No, I live in the Chicago area thank you. How many of those can really be compared to Dara. To have walked away for 6-7 years, but stayed in great shape. Then try to come back. There may be some real phsyical benefits in the breaks she takes so her body can heal. Also comparing it basketball players that never left or even those that did is still not valid in my mind because the pounding up and down the court takes it's toll. There's also a lot more traveling involved. Basketball cannot really be compared to sprinting 50s and 100s. Elway is different too because of the toll football takes on your body. More so for linemen than quarterbacks, but still. It's a lot more brutal than swimming. The possible best other sport comparison might be baseball. Clemens is unreal, too. Again though the constant traveling has an effect, too. I think that is a big part of what wears pro athletes out.
  • Maybe women are just superior and age better than men? :mooning: Clemens is a maniac. A fitness nut and a huge weightlifter. His bulk and dedication probably saved those itsy bitsy RCs from earlier ruin. Didn't Torres have shoulder problems that made her minimize fly time in the water? How did she get over her shoulder issues?
  • who is the enigmatic White Buffalo? The variance in the current WR between a male and female is at least 5.15 seconds if you count Lenton's 52.99 draft 100 meter free next to Phelps in relation to Hoogie's 47.84. If you do not count the draft swim, it is greater than 5.5 seconds. If you look at the Master's WR for men 40 to 44 in the 100 meter freestyle, Rich Saeger (an Olympic Gold medalist), he is barely a second ahead of Ms. Torres. After next year it will probably be a half a second or .5. The statistical probability of this is virtually impossible without drugs. These drugs do not have to be HGH, which is not tested for, as it could simply be insulin or an entire myraid of drugs that get by testing. The mantra that "I am tested and it was negative" rings hollow post the Tour de France. Of course there is no direct evidence, such as standing out in the rain. However, when inside and someone walks in soaking wet, the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming that it is raining outside. Here is the short list of circumstantial evidence that it is raining: -she never won an individual medal until age 33 at the 2000 Olympics ; -she put on 20 pounds of lean muscle mass in a year before the 2000 Olympics; -she is doing lifetime bests at age 40; -she sat out 6 years from 2000 to 2006; -she attributes her post 40 success to what? The great thing in America is the freedom to believe what you want to believe. However, if she is doing this, why has no other male or female ever even approached this level of success (National Champion doing life time bests) after the age of 40 in a 100? Swimmers that post can hold onto their belief that she is clean, just like Barry Bonds whose head and feet grew in size incredibly in his late 30's due to HGH usage, but there is no doubt in my mind that she is not clean as she is using performance enhancing Drugs/ supplements beyond creatine.
  • This whole argument is about human physiology in my opinion. By limiting our scope to elite athletes we are looking at such a small piece of the human population pie that it's obscene. I realize this seems to be the only thing to really compare to but are the conclusions drawn from such comparisons valuable? No would be my answer. We must realize that amongst the population there are likely thousands upon thousands of people with the potential to be world class athletes if they chose to develop themselves in the correct sport. This whole idea of comparing Dara to the sports icons in our heads is a gross oversimplification of a much more complex issue. Fair enough. Then who do we compare her against? Ourselves? LOL. Hypothetical unknowns? Geek? Ande? You've at least got to look at other "professionals." Nolan Ryan was amazing! I think he was 42 when he retired. He got better with age, more control.
  • This is the best row we've had since watching Stud's backstroke starts and turns on youtube.com. Back to the program. OK, so queen says we can't compare to other ultra elite athletes who've attempted a comeback at the same age. We also can't compare to other athletes in general because they represent a tiny group in a huge population. That leaves us to compare to humanity as a whole. That's invalid because most folks don't have what it takes to train, dedicate, etc to a lifestyle that gets you to the elite level. Even if they do, 99.99% of those that try won't get to the elite level. So, this brings you back to the obvious comparison to other elite athletes, the only logical pool by which to compare. BTW - it took me 30 minutes to figure out how to pump up those super skinny tires.
  • BTW - it took me 30 minutes to figure out how to pump up those super skinny tires. That's because our mental abilities, like our physical abilities, decline with age.
  • not me, I'd need to be much faster. Dara is probably faster than me I'd be thrilled to go 54.4 in the 100 free how do you quantify how great a baseball player is Base ball players don't have to drag their bodies through the water Ande Fair enough. Then who do we compare her against? Ourselves? Hypothetical unknowns? Geek? Ande? Nolan Ryan was amazing! I think he was 42 when he retired. He got better with age, more control.