Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • not me, I'd need to be much faster. Dara is probably faster than me I'd be thrilled to go 54.4 in the 100 free how do you quantify how great a baseball player is Base ball players don't have to drag their bodies through the water Ande Well, in Ryan's and Clemen's cases, they were winning Cy Youngs at 40 based on amazing won-loss records and low ERAs, which is pretty damn impressive. Seemingly at least somewhat comparable in deed to winning the 100 free at Nats.
  • It's good to see you have balanced that bizarre affection for Valentine's poetry with good ole fashioned baseball stats, still the best game going, despite hop head Barry.
  • The sad thing about being unprofessionally consumed by swimming is that I don't have time for my fantasy baseball league anymore. It's really put me out ... I'm off now to partake in the joys of MF-ing and sprinting. Carry on the bickerfest.
  • Geek - you are correct I do not think we can compare Dara to any other athletes. Jenny Thompson perhaps. Jenny came back after a few years off to swim darn fast. She was ONLY in her early 30s though.
  • Geek - you are correct I do not think we can compare Dara to any other athletes. Ooh, we had another poster who had this exact same sentiment, but his name is banned forever. Good company to keep.
  • The statistical probability of this is virtually impossible without drugs.You’ve obviously done the math here, so hopefully you can help us out… If it is statistically impossible at age 40 to be a clean elite swimmer, then what is the age does this statistically impossibility occur? Could a 30 year old swimmer be elite? How about 31? Do I hear 33? Where exactly is the statistical tipping point? Also, is it beyond the realm of possibility that a number of elite athletes are using “legal” performance enhancing drugs and supplements? With legal being defined as not banned by WADA. Supplements such as creatine, Muscle Milk, Gatorade, flax seed, fish oil, vitamin E, soda, amino acid… Is using legal supplements cheating? And where are the grey areas within “legal”? For example I personally believe that creatine should be banned and that anyone who has used it has cheated, but I believe that for example fish oil shouldn’t be banned and people who use it to enhance performance aren’t cheating. Should all the creatine users/abusers be vilified as cheaters for using a performance enhancing drug? Maybe, but I hope not, since after all it is legal.
  • Thus far, in this thread, no one has yet to name a single athlete that has done or is doing what she is either doing or may be about to do, not a single one. How about Paul Tergat?
  • Look at Dara's arms!! She is an absolute beast--truly gifted. I would like to see her in the weight room...for several reasons.:p Seriously though, she is a monster sprinter. I thought Jenny Thompson was muscular--Torres is supposedly 10 pounds lighter than in 2000 Olympics. If I were those little 19 and 20 years olds, though I would be SO pissed!!! 2008 Trials means only two can go! Scary.
  • How about Paul Tergat? I have to admit I don't know this person but I did google him. You might have a valid comparison here.
  • Geek.....what really got John & my attention was a rumor that you had some insight into "legal" supplements being used by middle age men who are former triathlete bashers that are going over to the "dark side"? :rofl: Dark side and middle aged - that was a 1-2 sucker punch. I take both flax seed and fish oil. Unlike Barry Bonds, it actually is flax seed oil.