Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    In no way am I accusing Dara or cheating. My post is simply to point out the possibilities. My mind disconnects when the reality that “no testing” is performed for those years she was retired. Essentially, she “could” have had her baby, and then began to get back in shape, and built her body back using hard work and the juice (or whatever she chose) and no one would know the difference. Then after her body had the opportunity to grow much stronger with the help of illegal substances, she could stop taking those substances and announce that she is “coming out of retirement” in her attempt to become the first woman swimmer to compete in five Olympic Games. All while testing again begins and she would be as clean as if she never took any illegal performance enhancing drugs. My suggestion, whenever a world class athlete announces that he or she is going to retire from their sport, they must continue to be tested or never be allowed to return to that sport. These long, long retirements (exactly like Dara’s) leave way to much room for illegal performance enhancing drugs to be used without detection. Let’s face the facts, she is a very talented swimmer and has been for years. She hosts many television programs and commentates for many news organizations and “if” she were to become the first woman to compete in five Olympic Games, huge amounts of money from endorsements are involved. The loop holes and potential monetary gain are way too much for me to be comfortable with her swim last night.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Me too. Many of today's elite masters swimmers are proof that age isn't slowing them down one bit. (Maybe having kids will?) In Dara's case no. :agree: Johnny Weissmuller went a 48 point 100 yd free when he was like 36 years old...without heavy training. Same times as his early 20's. (He was quoted as saying that staying lean and limber was his secret.) Rubbish! All that swinging from the vines, and wrestling lions and crocodiles was heavy training ! :rofl:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    My answer is No I do not believe that USMS Masters swimmers are taking illegal subtances unless its proven beyond a reasonable doubt. I can't speculate as to whole population of USMS. What is "illegal" in USMS swimming? I have never seen a list of "banned substances" I guess if some are on crack or heroin, that would be illegal. It is my OPINION that many probably take HGH, roids, whatever you want to call them. That is their problem, not mine. If they beat me in a race being on that stuff good for them, but last I looked it isn't illegal, ehtics are a whole different discssion. For the record, my doctor prescribed HGH for me last year following my back surgery and the major muscle atrophy I had from the permanant nerve damage done to my leg. It made me a very aggressive person and I got off of it. It wasn't illegal and I would argue justified for my situation. I just didn't like how it made me feel. Now I just walk around with a stick for a left calf and constantly feel much weaker on that side of my body. I don't think there is ever any "Beyond a resonable doubt" unless they admit to it. Look at Landis, Chinese Women, East German women, Michelle Smith, etc. If it was beyond a reasonable doubt, they would lose their medals like Rick Demont did for his travesty of taking asthma medicine. (Talk about injustice) By bringing up the Torres stuff doesn't mean anyone is accusing her of anything. It is a legitimate discussion because her accomplishments are probably one of the most (if not the most) extraordinary ones I have seen for ANY athlete over 40, let alone one who had a child a little over a year ago. Anyway, we got the Smith's back on here, and some great Geek posts, so that is worth something... (not much, but something)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Skepticism is always healthy. But cynicism is an attitude that leaves a stain. No doubt some swimmers sometime have used illegal substances sometime. Some of them have probably had negative tests. But swimming is nowhere near as tainted as other sports. To make a comparison between cycling or pro baseball and swimming is just plain stupid because the motivations are so much different. What's a bit disappointing is that you have to wade through an awful lot of disbelief and innuendo to find what factors could be in play to allow her to reach this level. Just to satisfy my compulsive tendencies, I'll try to summarize: sprint genes, sprint events, superior baseline talent, short break in training, core conditioning, improved coaching, financial independence, breastfeeding (who know what those hormones can do- no one's thought of that!), fast suits, and not to be overlooked what appears to be phenomenal motivation. I don't think its naive to find her inspiring.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Just curious, Sam, but why do you think that? Not that I'm surrounded by hundreds of elite masters swimmers 24/7, but offhand, I can't think of anyone that I think is taking drugs. Although I'm "skeptical" enough to suspect that some are somewhere, despite how "pathetic" GoodSmith says it would render them. Ego is omnipresent, as some girl points out. Sorry about your back! Let's just say I have seen some "unnatural" looking 30, 40 and 50 year olds at meets during various National Championship. One in particular, I will not mention, but was literally glowing in the sun. That is usually a tell tale sign that they are doused in Coppertone, or on the juice according to a trainer I know who was with me that has dealt with it for many years. Even if they aren't if they are kicking my butt at meets, I need to use that as an excuse! :laugh2: Thanks for the sympathy on the back, it is hell dealing with it from time to time. Have had 4 surgeries.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    yesterdays swims were amazing. dara won the 100 free and phelps almost broke the 200 back world record. on one of the articles on the usa swimming website abcnews.go.com/.../WireStory it says that dara has been tested 3 times in the last 6 weeks. i hope that she makes it to beijing next year.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Thanks for the sympathy on the back, it is hell dealing with it from time to time. Have had 4 surgeries. Sam i am sure the swimming provides you much needed exercise and stability for the area. I only have 3 discs herniation prone...that's enough...keep up the fight!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    That said, I also don't really care what anyone else thinks. I have no problem with people who want to be more suspicious or pessimistic. BTW: am I the only one who would be perfectly happy with some Olympic relay golds? I think I'd see that as a reasonable indicator of swimming success, myself. ;) Be careful there, newbie. Reasonable attitudes like that will not be tolerated on this forum! :drink:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Well said Rob!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Bonds might not need the money but he is chasing something that is even more elusive than the allmighty dollar...HR records held by some of baseball's greatest.