Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    My answer is No I do not believe that USMS Masters swimmers are taking illegal subtances unless its proven beyond a reasonable doubt. I can't speculate as to whole population of USMS. What is "illegal" in USMS swimming? I have never seen a list of "banned substances" I guess if some are on crack or heroin, that would be illegal. It is my OPINION that many probably take HGH, roids, whatever you want to call them. That is their problem, not mine. If they beat me in a race being on that stuff good for them, but last I looked it isn't illegal, ehtics are a whole different discssion. For the record, my doctor prescribed HGH for me last year following my back surgery and the major muscle atrophy I had from the permanant nerve damage done to my leg. It made me a very aggressive person and I got off of it. It wasn't illegal and I would argue justified for my situation. I just didn't like how it made me feel. Now I just walk around with a stick for a left calf and constantly feel much weaker on that side of my body. I don't think there is ever any "Beyond a resonable doubt" unless they admit to it. Look at Landis, Chinese Women, East German women, Michelle Smith, etc. If it was beyond a reasonable doubt, they would lose their medals like Rick Demont did for his travesty of taking asthma medicine. (Talk about injustice) By bringing up the Torres stuff doesn't mean anyone is accusing her of anything. It is a legitimate discussion because her accomplishments are probably one of the most (if not the most) extraordinary ones I have seen for ANY athlete over 40, let alone one who had a child a little over a year ago. Anyway, we got the Smith's back on here, and some great Geek posts, so that is worth something... (not much, but something)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    My answer is No I do not believe that USMS Masters swimmers are taking illegal subtances unless its proven beyond a reasonable doubt. I can't speculate as to whole population of USMS. What is "illegal" in USMS swimming? I have never seen a list of "banned substances" I guess if some are on crack or heroin, that would be illegal. It is my OPINION that many probably take HGH, roids, whatever you want to call them. That is their problem, not mine. If they beat me in a race being on that stuff good for them, but last I looked it isn't illegal, ehtics are a whole different discssion. For the record, my doctor prescribed HGH for me last year following my back surgery and the major muscle atrophy I had from the permanant nerve damage done to my leg. It made me a very aggressive person and I got off of it. It wasn't illegal and I would argue justified for my situation. I just didn't like how it made me feel. Now I just walk around with a stick for a left calf and constantly feel much weaker on that side of my body. I don't think there is ever any "Beyond a resonable doubt" unless they admit to it. Look at Landis, Chinese Women, East German women, Michelle Smith, etc. If it was beyond a reasonable doubt, they would lose their medals like Rick Demont did for his travesty of taking asthma medicine. (Talk about injustice) By bringing up the Torres stuff doesn't mean anyone is accusing her of anything. It is a legitimate discussion because her accomplishments are probably one of the most (if not the most) extraordinary ones I have seen for ANY athlete over 40, let alone one who had a child a little over a year ago. Anyway, we got the Smith's back on here, and some great Geek posts, so that is worth something... (not much, but something)
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