Dara Torres-Amazing

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Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • I don't think she is doping. I can't imagine any mother risking the exposure of her baby to drugs. She is still my idol for being amazing and for breastfeeding between events and training for the Olympics 14 months after giving birth! I don't care if she is 20, 30, or 40 that alone is just awesome.
  • There's a rather gigantic difference between setting PBs in your 30s and 40s and being top 10 USMS and being top 5 in the world. I would hope she's not doping while breastfeeding but some drugs are not passed along. My wife was always annoyed that alcohol was passed along, but I got another year of a designated driver (almost said DD but figured Stud/Fort would jump all over that with their gutter minds). Rob - Soviet scientists in the 60s and 70s, I'd be kinda wary of using them for quality references. Maybe there are some East German scientists you could also quote to bolster your assertions.
  • From The Associated Press: If people were whispering behind Torres’ back when she was 33, imagine what they might say if he makes it to the Olympics in her 40s? Looking to cut off any rumors before they get started, she went to USA Swimming and asked to be subjected to extra testing, including blood work, in hopes of showing that she’s totally clean. In the past six weeks, Torres has been tested three times. “It’s a pain,” she said, “but it’s worth it for all the naysayers out there. Here are all my drug tests and they’re all negative. Those guys can say what they want, but here are the facts.” Let's drop it now, please.
  • Let's drop it now, please. C'mon, when has fact ever stopped a good ole beatdown on this forum? Floyd Landis still maintains his innocence despite thermonuclear testoterone levels. Fort is pretty fast, she's on the juice I hear. Stud might be on the dope also, just hasn't gotten the formula right.
  • From The Associated Press: If people were whispering behind Torres’ back when she was 33, imagine what they might say if he makes it to the Olympics in her 40s? Looking to cut off any rumors before they get started, she went to USA Swimming and asked to be subjected to extra testing, including blood work, in hopes of showing that she’s totally clean. In the past six weeks, Torres has been tested three times. “It’s a pain,” she said, “but it’s worth it for all the naysayers out there. Here are all my drug tests and they’re all negative. Those guys can say what they want, but here are the facts.” Let's drop it now, please. So Jeff the question becomes what is she taking that they can't test for, right?
  • Rob - Soviet scientists in the 60s and 70s, I'd be kinda wary of using them for quality references. Maybe there are some East German scientists you could also quote to bolster your assertions.Hey, the East Germans just found a more effective way of injecting testosterone into there female athletes.
  • The thing that sucks for any athlete being accused of drug cheating is nothing can ever prove their innocence. A positive test can prove their guilt, but no amount of negative testing proves their innocence to the naysayers.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I can't believe anyone thinks she *isn't* on drugs to be honest. And yet I find the optimism charming. I find it even more *charming* (okay, humorous) to see Scott a grown accountant cry over (gasp!) there being a possibility of cheating in the world. :doh: Is he suggesting life is NOT fair? But I particularly enjoy his acting as if he discovered the Theory of Relativity and the cure to world hunger which he must explain step by step to us intellectually challenged peons. And why, in his eyes, is being a female cheater the second coming of Christ? There's always a possibility of cheating. If Dara or any other athletes cheat, they will pay for it in countless ways regardless of whether or not they are caught.
  • On another note, with the rapid rise of "Rejuvenation Centers" around the country I'm sure there are several to many masters swimmers who receive their "assistance." What's a "rejuvenation center?" Despite my apparent cynicism, I seem unaware of this phenomenon. FlyQueen: No one, including me, has "accused" Dara. As much as we all hope our sport is clean, it is human nature to ponder over an accomplishment that defies logic. We shouldn't be castigated for expressing a mere thought. Dara is obviously just phenomenally talented and, as Rob points out, hard working. It does suck that she can't "prove" her innocence and I hope she is innocent. Geek: Very funny! I clearly fall into the category of aging masters who can still sprint a bit, but fade quickly over any distance, lacking endurance and proper training or anything else besides naturally fast twitch muscles. Not PR-ing in my 40s either.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    The fact that Dara stayed in such peak physical condition during her off years is a key factor, I think.Me too. Many of today's elite masters swimmers are proof that age isn't slowing them down one bit. (Maybe having kids will?) In Dara's case no. :agree: Johnny Weissmuller went a 48 point 100 yd free when he was like 36 years old...without heavy training. Same times as his early 20's. (He was quoted as saying that staying lean and limber was his secret.)