Overbearing Swimming Parents

George asked whether age group swimmers are being bullied/pressured into swimming by parents, coaches and friends. Are they? Are parents living out their "unfulfilled dreams" through their young ones, as Geek suggested in another thread? Share your funniest/saddest story about overbearing swim parents or coaches.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I don't know how things work with your team but with ours we can eliminate that problem. Once I have turned in my meet entry, it is picked up and entered in Hy-tek. From there it is swimmer responsiblity to check team web site and verify entry has been received and events entered are correct. This does place the responsibility on the swimmer/parent but with lots of entries I think it would be hard to coaches to verify everyone. If I do not see my name in list, then coach still has time to fix the problem. Does your team have a website that keeps you updated and informed and all that good stuff? greg
  • No swim today either.....:dunno:
  • Dorothy: Just remember, your time is coming! I haven't much doing much lately either. I am going to get my doors blown off at practice tonight. P.S. The meet director accepted my daughter's entries late so now I can get up at the crack of dawn, miss all my own practices, go to her meet and do other assorted kid sports stuff.
  • Yay for getting your kid in to the meet. Most coaches really want the best for the kids, even if they mess up on the administrative stuff. Tomorrow is another day, I will get to the pool, I will, I will, I will!
  • Dorothy: Just remember, your time is coming! I haven't much doing much lately either. I am going to get my doors blown off at practice tonight. P.S. The meet director accepted my daughter's entries late so now I can get up at the crack of dawn, miss all my own practices, go to her meet and do other assorted kid sports stuff. I'm glad the entry problem got fixed. And I'm sure you will enjoy it just like I will enjoy next week-end when we go to the Thanksgiving Invit. in Boise Idaho (about 4 hr drive). 2 sessions each day with 12&u in the am and the older swimmers in the afternoon. I will get up an hour earlier than I'm used to, work the 1st session as starter, then swim the afternoon session. Fun! Fun! Fun!
  • Hopefully the coaches will get it handled. Where there is a will there is a way. P.S.S. Can I retire at 45 and sit by the pool with a drink with an umbrella? :laugh2:
  • Can I retire at 45 and sit by the pool with a drink with an umbrella? :laugh2: No, you can't. You must get in the competition pool and start seriously kicking butt! :lolup:
  • Leslie, One has to have a compulsion, right? Being a Type A with OCD is not easy. Though I should direct more of it to my work.
  • I want to retire and be a personal trainer/yoga teacher/swim coach. But for now I need to get to work.
  • Me too, Floyd. It's sitting right here waiting for me. It's not good when your job involves working on a computer. I'm thinking that Dorothy has the right idea about retiring at 45. Can people with OCD compulsions do that though? Nah, they just find something else to be OCD about during retirement. I gotta find time to get back to the pool, have been out for a week, yikes.