Overbearing Swimming Parents

George asked whether age group swimmers are being bullied/pressured into swimming by parents, coaches and friends. Are they? Are parents living out their "unfulfilled dreams" through their young ones, as Geek suggested in another thread? Share your funniest/saddest story about overbearing swim parents or coaches.
  • When one of my kids comes in second in something I always quote Mark Spitz: "You don't win a silver, you lose a gold". They laugh they know there Dad is kidding although not 100% kidding. I don't know ... I hear ya. Winning is, in reality, part of life, and kids shouldn't be taught that mere participation is all important. But maybe this is better for the coach to say? And not say every single time a kid comes in second? I've had philosophical discussions with my kids on these issues. I'd have a word with my kids if they loafed. But coming in first is definitely not the only goal. It's not even a realistic one at most competitive USS meets unless you're nationally ranked. I don't think we need to put on that on kids. Kids can have perfectly satisfying swimming careers without that. Fun and fitness are objectives too. Although I realize some parents apparently just care about glory.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    When one of my kids comes in second in something I always quote Mark Spitz: "You don't win a silver, you lose a gold". They laugh they know there Dad is kidding although not 100% kidding.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Well, yes, grew up physically, but I was thinking more in terms of behavior. Two words: arrested development. "Give me what I want when I want it or I'll throw a hissy fit." Main difference is that the "what I want" is for kid to be center stage, rather than, say, ice cream for breakfast. Ice cream for breakfast is such a big departure from pancakes with syrup and cream...NOT. Don't be such a food-facist!! ;) kidding tee-hee :hug:
  • Ice cream for breakfast is such a big departure from pancakes with syrup and cream...NOT. Don't be such a food-facist!! ;) kidding tee-hee :hug: Heh! Don’t tell the kiddies, but now that I think of it, ice cream (with fruit on it, of course, maybe some cherries, whipped cream, and dark chocolate syrup—for the bioflavinoids, natch) provides the complete breakfast: dairy/protein and fruit. Sprinkle some cereal on it for some carbs, and you’re all set! :groovy: Your kid will be ready to tackle any school day with this meal! Or maybe tackle other kids with the excess energy, but hey you want them 'up" and ready for action, no? ;)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    My 91-year-old mom still has no patience with me when I lose a race. -- mel :D