How long does it take to swim 1 mile of breastroke?
Former Member
I used to be a competitive swimmer. Now I am much older, I start swimming again just for fitness and I would like to set a goal for myself. My goal is to swim 1 mile of breastroke (breastroke is my specialty) daily; it takes me 35 minutes to swim 1 mile. My question is what is the average time to swimm 1 mile of breastroke? Thanks
Tom Boettcher regularly does the Big Shoulders 5k all fly.
It isn't nuts. It's what you choose to do, and practice.
One of my lake swimming buds does Big Shoulders all breaststroke. She is significantly faster than I swimming it freestyle.
a 35min mile in breaststroke sounds pretty good to me. my knees are hurting just thinking about it.
as for the fly comments... Tom Boettcher is a wimp!
Vicki Keith
"Vicki came out of swimming retirement, and spent 63 hours and 40 minutes in Lake Ontario, completing 80.2 kilometres butterfly"
(Actually Tom is pretty cool. His web article "Learning to Fly" helped me a lot on my quest to learn fly. In terms of both technique and inspiration.)
Just did an open-water swim for fun, held by a local triathlon group as a training run. Course was .6 miles per loop. I did the second loop breaststroke just to compare it to my freestyle, for fun. Free lap was 20 minutes, *** lap was 24. Very choppy, wavy and lots of current that day. Drank lots of sea water on the freestyle loop, but swimming breaststroke through all the waves was heavenly!
I swam in a 132 ft. (44 yds.) pool in England. You could do an even 220, 440, 880, and mile in that one. And most lap swimmers there do the beautiful stroke.